Baza Radikaro Oficiala
kun anglaj tradukoj
2500 Basic Word Roots of Esperanto
with translations in English

Grupo 1

-adi : d. repetition, duration; diradi = to keep on saying
-ado : d. action; martelado = hammering
-aĵo : d. concrete ideas; manĝaĵo = food
-ano : d. member; kolegiano = member of college; Amerikano = american (person)
-ant- : e. of pres. part. act.
-aro : d. collection; meblaro = set of furniture; homaro = mankind
-at- : e. of pres. part. pas.
-ebla : d. possibility; kredebla = believable, credible; ebla = possible; eble = perhaps
-eco : d. abst. idea; grandeco = size, largeness; amikeco = friendship
-eg- : d. increase; ventego = gale (storm)
-ejo : d. place allotted to; lernejo = school
-ema : d. propensity, inclination; laborema = industrious
-er- : d. part of, fragment of, piece of; monero = coin (n)
-estro : d. chief; urbestro = mayor (of town)
-et- : d. diminution; monteto = hill
-ido : d. offspring; ŝafido = lamb
-igi : d. causing to be; blankigi = to whiten (tr); boligi = to boil (tr)
-iĝi : d. becoming; paliĝi = to turn pale; moviĝi = to move (intr)
-ilo : d. instrument, tool; tranĉilo = knife
-inda : d. worthy of; laŭdinda = laudable, praiseworthy
-ino : d. feminines; virino = woman; patrino = mother
-int- : e. past part. act.
-is : d. past tense
-ismo : d. -ism; komunismo = communism
-isto : d. profession; dentisto = dentist
-it- : d. past part. pass.
-obla : -fold; duobla = twofold, double
-ona : d. fractions; duono = half (n); kvarono = quarter (n)
-ont- : e. fut. part. act.
-ot- : e. fut. part. pass.
-ujo : d. container; monujo = purse, wallet
-ulo : d. individual, fellow; junulo = youth, young person; krimulo = criminal (person)
-um- : (indefinite suffix); plenumi = to fulfil
-us : e. of conditional
bo- : d. relation by marriage; bofrato = brother-in-law
ĉef- : chief; ĉefa = main, principal; ĉefurbo = capital (town)
dis- : d. separation; disdoni = to distribute, give out; dissendi = to send out; transmit
ek- : d. beginning of action; ekvidi = to notice; ekkrii = to cry out (suddenly)
ge- : d. both sexes; gepatroj = parents; gefratoj = brothers and sisters
mal- : d. opposites; malriĉulo = pauper
re- : d. again, back; rekomenci = to begin again; reveni = to return (intr)
ajn : d. -ever; kiu ajn = whoever; kio ajn = whatever
al : to; aliĝi al = to join (society, etc)
almenaŭ : at least
ambaŭ : both
ankaŭ : also
ankoraŭ : yet, still
anstataŭ : instead of; anstataŭi = to replace (be a replacement for);
anstataŭigi = to replace (find a replacement for)
antaŭ : before; in front of; antaŭ du jaroj = two years ago; malantaŭ = behind
apenaŭ : scarcely
apud : close to
baldaŭ : soon
cent : hundred
ĉar : because
ĉe : at; ĉe rivero = at a river
ĉi : d. proximity in here, this, etc; ĉi tie = here
ĉia : every kind of
ĉiam : always
ĉie : everywhere
ĉio : everything
ĉirkaŭ : around, about
ĉiu : each, every one
ĉu : whether, d. question; ĉu vere? = really?
dek : ten
du : two; dudek = twenty
dum : during, while; dume = meanwhile
eĉ : even (adv)
ekster : outside (prep); ekstere = outside (adv)
el : out of
en : in (prep)
de : of, from, by
for : away, off; foriri = to go away; forĵeti = to throw away
ĝi : it; ĝia = its
ĝis : until, as far as
ha! : ah!
hieraŭ : yesterday; antaŭhieraŭ = the day before yesterday
ho! : oh!
hodiaŭ : today
ia : some kind of
iam : at some time; iama = sometime (adj)
ie : somewhere
ili : they, them; ilia = their
inter : between, among; internacia = international
io : something
da : of (quantity)
iom : a little, some
iu : someone
jam : already
je : (indefinite preposition); je la kvara = at four o'clock; je la 25a de Decembro = on the 25th of December
jen : here is, here are, etc
ja : in fact, indeed
jes : yes
juna : young; maljuna = old (not young); junulo = youth, young person
ĵus : just, just now (a moment ago)
kaj : and
kia : what kind of
kial : why
kiam : when
kie : where
kiel : how; as
kies : whose
kio : what (thing)
kiom : how much
kiu : who, which
kontraŭ : against; kontraŭstari = to oppose; kontraŭulo = opponent
krom : besides, apart from
kun : with; kune = together
kvankam : although
kvar : four
kvazaŭ : as if, as though
kvin : five
laŭ : according to
aŭ : or
li : he, him; lia = his
mem : -self, -selves; mi mem = I myself
mi : I, me; mia = my
mil : thousand
morgaŭ : tomorrow; postmorgaŭ = the day after tomorrow
naŭ : nine
nek : neither...nor
nenia : no kind of
neniam : never
nenie : nowhere
nenio : nothing
neniu : nobody
ni : we, us; nia = our
nu : well, now
nun : now; nuntempe = at present
nur : only (adv); nura = mere
ok : eight; okdek = eighty
oni : one, people, they; onia = ones; onidiro = rumour, hearsay
per : by means of
plej : most; la plejparto de = most of; malplej = least
ol : than; pli ol = more than
pli : more; pligrandigi = to enlarge (tr); malpli = less
plu : further, longer
por : for
post : after; behind; post tri tagoj = in three days (time)
preskaŭ : almost
preter : beyond
pri : concerning, about; priskribi = to describe
pro : owing to, on account of
se : if
sed : but (conj)
sen : without; senpera = direct
sep : seven
ses : six
si : (reflexive pronoun); sia = his/her/its own
sub : under; sube = underneath (adv); subskribi = to sign (document)
super : over, above; supera = superior; supersigno = accent, diacritic
sur : upon, on; surmeti = to put on (clothing)
ŝi : she, her; ŝia = her (adj)
tamen : however
tia : such a
tial : therefore
tiam : then, at that time
tie : there
ke : that (conj)
tiel : thus, so
tio : that (thing)
tiom : so much
tiu : that (one)
tra : through
trans : across; transigi = to transfer; transiri = to cross (tr) (eg road)
tre : very; treege = extremely
tri : three
tro : too (much); trouzi = to overuse; troigi = to exaggerate
tuj : immediately; tuja = immediate
ne : no, not
unu : one; unuiĝi = to unite (intr); unueco = unity; unuafoje = the first time (adv)
vi : you; via = your

Grupo 2

afero : matter, affair, business, thing
alia : other
alta : high
ami : to love
amiko : friend
bela : beautiful, fine
bona : good
ĉambro : room
demandi : to ask
devi : to have to, must
deziri : to desire, wish, want
diri : to say, tell
doni : to give
esti : to be
facila : easy; faciligi = to facilitate
fari : to do, make
feliĉa : happy
fini : to finish (tr)
flanko : side
fojo : time (occasion); refoje = again; dufoje = twice (two times)
formo : form, shape
forta : strong
granda : big, large; great
grava : important, serious
ĝoji : to be glad, rejoice
havi : to have
helpi : to help
homo : human being, person
infano : child
iri : to go; reiri = to return (intr)
jaro : year; jarcento = century
juna : young
kampo : field; kamparo = countryside
kapo : head
kelka : some, a few
klara : clear; klarigi = to explain
komenci : to begin (tr); komenciĝi = to begin (intr)
kompreni : to understand; kompreneble = of course
koni : to know (be acquainted with); konato = acquaintance (person);
konatiĝi = to become acquainted (with person)
koro : heart
kredi : to believe, think
labori : to work; kunlabori = to cooperate, work together; senlabora = unemployed;
senlaboreco = unemployment; senlaborulo = unemployed person
lando : country (nation); landlimo = border (national)
lasta : last, latest; lastatempa = recent
legi : to read
lerni : to learn; lernejo = school
levi : to lift, raise
libera : free; malliberejo = prison, gaol
loĝi : to live, dwell; loĝejo = lodgings, rooms;
transloĝiĝi = to move (house); loĝantaro = population, inhabitants
loko : place, locality; loka = local (adj)
longa : long; antaŭnelonge = recently
mano : hand
meti : to put, place
militi : to wage war; milito = war
mondo : world
ofta : frequent, common; ofte = often
okazi : to happen, occur; okazaĵo = occurrence
paroli : to speak, talk
patro : father; patrino = mother
peti : to ask for (tr), request
plena : full
porti : to carry; wear; kunporti = to bring along, have with one (tr)
povi : to be able, can
preni : to take
proksima : near, nearby; proksimiĝi = to approach (intr)
rapida : quick, rapid, fast
respondi : to reply, answer
resti : to remain, stay
resto : rest, remainder
ricevi : to obtain, get, receive
riĉa : rich; malriĉa = poor
ridi : to laugh; rideti = to smile
ruĝa : red
sama : same; samopinii = to agree (have same opinion); malsama = different
scii : to know (a fact)
sekvi : to follow
sendi : to send
sidi : to sit, be sitting; sidiĝi = to sit down
sinjoro : gentleman, Mr; sinjorino = lady, Mrs
skribi : to write
stari : to stand; starigi = to set up; establish; elstara = outstanding, prominent; memstara = independent
ŝajni : to seem, appear; ŝajne = apparently; ŝajnigi = to feign, pretend
tago : day; taglibro = diary; tagmanĝo = lunch; tagmezo = midday, noon;
posttagmezo = afternoon; tagordo = agenda; ĉiutaga = daily
tempo : time; tense; samtempa = simultaneous
teni : to hold, grasp, maintain, keep
tero : earth; ground; la terglobo = the Earth
tuta : whole, entire; tute = completely; tutmonda = world-wide
veni : to come; reveni = to return (intr); alveni = to arrive; kunveni = to meet (intr)
veturi : to go by vehicle, travel
vidi : to see; vidpunkto = viewpoint; antaŭvidi = to foresee
viro : man; male (n); virino = woman
vivi : to live; travivi = to survive; senviva = dead, lifeless
vojo : way, road, route
voli : to wish, want; nevola = involuntary
vorto : word; vortaro = dictionary; laŭvorte = literally
montri : to show; montriĝi = to appear (be seen)
morti : to die; mortigi = to kill; mortinta = dead (which was living)
movi : to move (tr); moviĝi = to move (intr)
multa : much; many; multnombra = numerous
nacio : nation; naciismo = nationalism
nomo : name
nova : new; denove = again; malnova = old (not new)

Grupo 3

aĉeti : to buy
afabla : kind, affable
akvo : water
arbo : tree; arbaro = wood, forest
arto : art
atendi : to wait, await, expect
aŭdi : to hear
bati : to beat, strike
bezoni : to need
bildo : picture
birdo : bird
blanka : white
bruli : to burn (intr)
buŝo : mouth
certa : certain, sure
ĉevalo : horse
ĉielo : heaven; sky
danki : to thank; dankon! = thank you!; danka = grateful; danke al = thanks to
dekstra : right-hand; maldekstra = left-hand
dolĉa : sweet
domo : house
dormi : to sleep
edzo : husband; edzino = wife; edziĝi = to get married (man);
edziniĝi = to get married (woman); geedziĝi = to get married (man and woman)
fali : to fall
familio : family
fenestro : window
fermi : to shut, close (tr); malfermi = to open (tr); malfermita = open (adj)
filo : son
fingro : finger
flugi : to fly
frato : brother
fraŭlo : batchelor; fraŭlino = Miss
frua : early; frumatene = early in the moring
frukto : fruit
halti : to stop (intr)
haro : hair
hejmo : home; hejme = at home
horo : hour
interesi : to interest
intereso : interest (n)
ĵeti : to throw
kanti : to sing
knabo : boy; knabino = girl
koloro : colour
konsili : to advise
konstrui : to build
korto : court, courtyard; kortumo = court (of justice)
kosti : to cost; multekosta = expensive
kreski : to grow (intr)
krii : to cry, shout
kuri : to run
kuraĝa : brave, courageous
lasi : to leave; let
letero : letter (correspondence)
libro : book
lingvo : language
lito : bed; enlitiĝi = to go to bed
lumi : to shine (intr); lumo = light (n); luma = light (adj); malluma = dark
manĝi : to eat; manĝo = meal (eg dinner); manĝaĵo = food
manki : to be lacking, missing; manko = lack (n)
maro : sea
mateno : morning
memori : to remember
miri : to be amazed, marvel
mono : money; monero = coin (n); monujo = purse, wallet
monto : mountain; monteto = hill
muro : wall
naski : to give birth to; naskiĝi = to be born
necesa : necessary; necesejo = toilet, lavatory
nigra : black
okulo : eye; okulvitroj = glasses (spectacles)
okupi : to occupy; keep busy; okupita = busy
paco : peace
pagi : to pay; senpaga = free (gratis)
parto : part
pasi : to pass (intr); pasigi = to pass (time) (tr)
peco : piece, bit
pensi : to think; pripensi = to consider, think about (tr)
perdi : to lose
permesi : to permit, allow; malpermesi = to forbid; permesita = allowed; permesiĝi = to be allowed
persono : person; personality
piedo : foot (of body); piediri = to walk (intr)
popolo : people (a people)
pordo : door
postuli : to require, demand
premi : to press
prezenti : to present
propra : (ones) own; propraĵo = property, perculiarity
provi : to try, attempt; try out, test
punkto : point (dot; in space; in time; question)
pura : pure; clean; purigi = to clean, purify; malpuriĝi = to get dirty
rajto : right, authority; rajti = to be entitled to
rakonti : to tell, narrate
regi : to rule, govern, control; registaro = government
renkonti : to meet, encounter (tr); renkontiĝi = to meet (intr)
rigardi : to look at; deem, consider
rimarki : to notice; rimarkinda = remarkable
rimedo : means, resource; monrimedoj = financial resources
semajno : week; semajnfino = weekend
senti : to feel (sentiments)
serĉi : to look for, seek
simpla : simple; simpligi = to simplify
sola : lone, alone, only, sole; soleca = lonely
soni : to sound (intr); sono = sound (n)
suno : sun; sunlumo = sunlight; sunvitroj = sunglasses
ŝanĝi : to change (tr); ŝanĝiĝi = to change (intr)
tablo : table (furniture)
timi : to fear; timigi = to frighten; timema = timid
tiri : to draw, pull
trankvila : quiet, calm, tranquil
trinki : to drink
turni : to turn (tr)
urbo : town, city
uzi : to use
valoro : worth, value; valori = to be worth; valora = valuable
varma : warm; hot; varmigi = to warm, heat
vento : wind; ventego = gale (storm)
vera : true; verŝajne = probably; malvera = untrue
vespero : evening
vesto : garment
vizaĝo : face
vojaĝi : to travel; vojaĝo = journey

Grupo 4

aero : air
agrabla : pleasant, enjoyable
aĝo : age
akcepti : to accept; receive (guests)
amaso : crowd, mass (large number)
angulo : corner
aparta : separate (adj); apartigi = to separate
aperi : to appear
atenta : attentive
aŭskulti : to listen to
aŭtuno : autumn
avo : grandfather
batali : to fight
besto : animal, beast
blua : blue
bordo : shore, bank
brako : arm
brili : to shine (intr)
brui : to make a noise; bruo = noise
celo : aim, purpose
ĉapelo : hat
daŭro : duration
dento : tooth
dio : god
dika : thick; fat
direkto : direction
diversa : varied; various
doloro : pain
dubi : to doubt; dubinda = dubious
ekzemplo : example
elekti : to choose; elect
erari : to make a mistake, be wrong
esperi : to hope
fajro : fire
fero : iron (metal)
festi : to celebrate; festo = party (festivity)
fiŝo : fish
floro : flower
forgesi : to forget
frapi : to hit, strike
fremda : foreign; fremdulo = foreigner
gaja : gay, merry
gajni : to gain, earn; win; malgajni = to lose
gazeto : magazine, periodical
glaso : drinking-glass, tumbler
ĝardeno : garden
ĝusta : right, correst; exact
hela : clear, bright
historio : history; story
hundo : dog
ideo : idea
interna : inner, inside, internal
justa : just, fair, equitable
kalkuli : to calculate, reckon
kapti : to catch, capture
kara : dear; karul(in)o = darling
kaŝi : to hide, conceal
kato : cat
kaŭzo : cause; kaŭzi = to cause
kolo : neck
kolekto : collection
koleri : to be angry; kolerigi = to anger
komerci : to trade, do business (intr)
komuna : common; komunismo = communism
konduki : to lead, bring, drive, conduct
konsenti : to agree, consent
kontenta : satisfied, pleased, content
korpo : body
kovri : to cover
kuiri : to cook; kuirejo = kitchen
kuŝi : to lie down
kutimo : custom, habit
laca : weary, tired; lacigi = to tire (tr)
lakto : milk
larĝa : broad, wide
lavi : to wash
ligi : to tie; bind; link
ligo : league; connection
ligno : wood (the substance)
linio : line
ludi : to play
marko : mark, make (of goods); stamp (eg postage); poŝtmarko = postage-stamp
mezo : middle; mean (average); meznombro = average (n)
mezuri : to measure (tr)
minuto : minute
momento : moment
monato : month
naturo : nature
nazo : nose
neĝo : snow
nokto : night; tranokti = to pass the night
nombro : number, amount; nombri = to count (tr)
nubo : cloud
nul : nought, zero
onklo : uncle; onklino = aunt
opinii : to think (have an opinion); opinio = opinion
ordo : order, arrangement; ordigi = to arrange, put in order
ordoni : to order, command
orelo : ear
pano : bread
papero : paper
pardoni : to forgive, pardon
paŝi : to step, stride; paŝo = step (n)
peni : to endeavour, try; senpene = without difficulty
planko : floor
plendi : to complain
plezuro : pleasure
plori : to cry, weep
plumo : pen
pluvo : rain; pluvi = to rain
prava : right (in opinion, etc)
precipa : chief, main, principal
preta : ready
printempo : spring (season)
profunda : deep
ripozi : to repose, rest
rivero : river
rompi : to break (tr); rompiĝi = to break (intr); interrompo = interruption
rondo : round, ring, circle; ronda = round (adj)
rozo : rose
salti : to leap, jump
saluti : to salute, greet; saluton! = hullo!
sana : healthy, well; malsana = ill, sick
sango : blood
sata : full, satiated; malsata = hungry
seĝo : seat, chair
servi : to serve
silenti : to be silent; silentema = taciturn
somero : summer
speco : kind, sort, variety
stacio : station; stacidomo = railway-station (building)
stato : state, condition
strato : street
suferi : to suffer
sufiĉa : sufficient, enough
sukero : sugar
supro : top, summit; supre = above, on top (adv); malsupre = below (adv); supraĵo = surface (exterior)
ŝipo : ship
ŝtono : stone
tranĉi : to cut (with knife); tranĉilo = knife
tuŝi : to touch; concern
utila : useful; senutila = useless
vagono : coach, carriage (train)
veki : to arouse, wake up (tr); vekhorloĝo = alarm-clock
vendi : to sell; vendejo = shop (n); vendisto = salesman
verda : green
vetero : weather
vilaĝo : village
vintro : winter
vitro : glass (substance)
voki : to call; summon; alvoki = to summon
zorgi : to care for, be concerned about; zorgo = care (n); zorge = carefully; zorgema = careful (by nature)

Grupo 5

adreso : address
agi : to act
amuzi : to amuse
animo : soul
Aprilo : April
aranĝi : to arrange
arĝento : silver
atingi : to attain, reach
Aŭgusto : August
azeno : donkey
bani : to bath, bathe (tr); sin bani = to have a bath
benko : bench, seat
bovo : ox
bruna : brown
brusto : chest, breast
butero : butter
cetera : remaining
ĉesi : to cease (intr)
danĝero : danger; sendanĝera = safe (adj)
Decembro : December
decidi : to decide
dimanĉo : Sunday
donaco : donation, present, gift
dorso : back (n)
efektiva : real, actual
efiki : to have an effect (intr)
egala : equal
ekzisti : to exist
estimi : to esteem, think highly of
Februaro : February
fiksa : fixed
fiksi : to fix
flava : yellow
flui : to flow; fluaĵo = fluid (n)
folio : leaf; sheet (of paper)
fonto : spring; source
freŝa : fresh, new
fundo : bottom; background
gardi : to guard; keep
genuo : knee
glacio : ice
greno : corn, grain, cereals
griza : grey
grupo : group
herbo : grass
horloĝo : clock; watch
inko : ink
insekto : insect
instrui : to teach; instruisto = teacher
intenci : to intend
inviti : to invite
Januaro : January
juĝi : to judge; antaŭjuĝo = prejudice (n)
Julio : July
Junio : June
ĵaŭdo : Thursday
kafo : coffee
kapabla : capable, able
karto : card; map
klaso : class
klini : to tilt, incline (tr)
koko : cock, rooster
kompati : to pity
konservi : to keep; preserve
korbo : basket
koverto : envelope
krajono : pencil
krei : to create
kruco : cross (n)
kruro : leg
kuko : cake
kulero : spoon
kulpa : guilty, to blame (adj); kulpo = blame (n); kulpigi = to accuse, blame;
senkulpa = blameless, innocent; senkulpigi = to excuse; find innocent
kuraci : to treat medically; kuracisto = doctor (medical)
kuzo : cousin (male); kuzino = cousin (female)
lago : lake
lango : tongue
leĝo : law (piece of legislation); laŭleĝa = legal (not illegal); kontraŭleĝa = illegal
lerta : skilful, clever
limo : limit; limigi = to limit, restrict
luno : moon
lundo : Monday
Majo : May
maniero : way, manner; tiamaniere = in that way
mardo : Tuesday
marŝi : to walk; march
Marto : March
mastro : master (of house, servants)
merkredo : Wednesday
moki : to mock
mola : soft; malmola = hard (durable)
muziko : music
Novembro : November
numero : number (of house, ticket, etc)
objekto : thing, object
ofico : employment, office, post
Oktobro : October
ombro : shadow; shade
ordinara : ordinary
ovo : egg
paĝo : page (of book)
pako : packet, parcel
pendi : to hang (intr); pendigi = to hang (tr); pendumi = to hang (execute)
peza : heavy; pezi = to weigh (intr)
plaĉi : to please, be pleasing
plafono : ceiling
porko : pig (animal)
poŝo : pocket
poŝto : post, mail; poŝtkarto = postcard; poŝtmarko = postage-stamp; poŝtoficejo = post-office
preferi : to prefer; preferinda = preferable
prepari : to prepare
produkto : product; produkti = to produce
promeni : to take a walk or outing
promesi : to promise
prunto : lending, borrowing; prunti = to borrow; lend; pruntepreni = to borrow; pruntedoni = to lend
puŝi : to push, thrust (tr)
radio : beam, ray; radio; radistacio = radio-station
regiono : region
reĝo : king
rekta : straight; direct; rektilo = ruler (for drawing lines)
religio : religion
ripeti : to repeat
ruli : to roll (tr); ruliĝi = to roll (intr)
rulo : roller, roll
sabato : Saturday
saĝa : wise
sako : sack
seka : dry; malseka = wet
senco : sense (meaning; direction); sensenca = senseless
Septembro : September
serioza : serious, earnest
simila : like, similar; malsimila = different
spiri : to breathe
spirito : spirit, mind
stelo : star
studi : to study; studobjekto = course, unit of study
sukcesi : to succeed; sukceso = success; malsukceso = failure
sumo : sum, amount; sumigi = to add up, total (tr)
ŝafo : sheep; ŝafido = lamb
ŝati : to value, appreciate, like
ŝlosi : to lock; ŝlosilo = key (for lock)
ŝtato : state (nation); ŝtatano = citizen (of country)
ŝteli : to steal; ŝtelisto = thief
ŝtupo : step (of stairs); ŝtuparo = staircase, stairs
telero : plate (for food)
teruro : terror; teruri = to terrify
tondi : to clip, shear, cut (with scissors); tondilo = scissors
trafi : to hit the mark; maltrafi = to miss
truo : hole
vaporo : steam; vapour
vasta : wide, huge, vast; disvastigi = to spread widely (tr)
vendredo : Friday
verko : work (literary); verki = to write, compose
vino : wine
viziti : to visit
voĉo : voice; unuvoĉa = unanimous

Grupo 6

akiri : to acquire, get
akompani : to accompany
akra : sharp
anonci : to announce
aparteni : to belong; apartenaĵo = possession (thing possessed)
apogi : to support; lean on
aprobi : to approve
armi : to arm, reinforce
armo : weapon
ataki : to attack; atakema = aggressive
avara : miserly, mean
averti : to warn
balai : to sweep
baro : bar, barrier
barbo : beard
bastono : stick
bedaŭri : to regret
beko : beak
blovi : to blow
boli : to boil (intr); boligi = to boil (tr)
botelo : bottle
branĉo : branch
broso : brush
butono : button
cifero : figure, numeral
ĉapitro : chapter
ĉasi : to chase; hunt
ĉemizo : shirt
ĉiel : in every way
danci : to dance
defendi : to defend
delikata : delicate
densa : dense, thick
desegni : to draw; design
diferenci : to differ, be different; diferenca = different, differing
doktoro : doctor (not necess. medical)
ebena : even, level
eduki : to educate, bring up
estingi : to extinguish
eviti : to avoid
fadeno : thread
fako : compartment; subject (of study); fakulo = specialist (person)
fakto : fact; fakte = in fact
falsa : false
falsi : to falsify (tr)
fama : famous
fidela : faithful
fiera : proud
firma : firm (adj)
flago : flag
flegi : to nurse (the sick)
forko : fork
forno : stove, furnace
fosi : to dig; fosilo = spade
foso : ditch
fromaĝo : cheese
frunto : forehead
fumo : smoke
gaso : gas
gasto : guest
gliti : to glide, slide, slip
graso : fat, grease
guto : drop, drip
gvidi : to guide
ĝeni : to inconvenience, disturb, hamper
ĝenerala : general (adj)
ĝentila : polite
haŭto : skin
hejti : to heat
honesta : honest
honoro : honour
honti : to be ashamed
ial : for some reason
iel : somehow
ies : someones
imagi : to imagine
imiti : to imitate
industrio : industry
informi : to inform
insulo : island
jako : jacket
kajero : exercise-book
kameno : fireplace, hearth
kapro : goat
karbo : coal
kelo : cellar
kesto : chest, box
kilogramo : kilogram
kisi : to kiss
kombi : to comb; kombilo = comb (n)
komforta : comfortable
kompari : to compare
kondiĉo : condition, stipulation
konduti : to behave
konfesi : to confess
konscii : to be conscious; be aware
konsisti : to consist (intr); konsisti el = to consist of; konsisto = composition; konsistigi = to constitute
konstanta : constant, permanent, standing
konvena : suitable, appropriate
korespondi : to correspond (by mail)
korno : horn
kravato : necktie
krimo : crime; krimulo = criminal (person)
kulturi : to cultivate; kulturo = culture
kuvo : tub, vat
kvieta : quiet, calm
lampo : lamp
leciono : lesson
legomo : vegetable
lipo : lip
litero : letter (of alphabet)
maŝino : machine; skribmaŝino = typewriter
matura : ripe; mature
meblo : piece of furniture
mendi : to order (goods)
mensogi : to tell a lie; mensogo = lie (n)
meriti : to deserve, merit
metalo : metal
mieno : mien, look, expression
miksi : to mix (tr)
miliono : million
minaci : to threaten
muŝo : fly (insect)
naĝi : to swim
najbaro : neighbour
nepo : grandson
nepra : unfailing, without fail
nevo : nephew
nordo : north
noto : note; mark, grade
obei : to obey
okcidento : west
oleo : oil
ondo : wave
oro : gold
organizi : to organise
oriento : east
osto : bone
pacienca : patient (adj)
pafi : to shoot, fire; mortpafi = to shoot dead
pantalono : trousers
paro : pair, couple
parenco : relative, relation
pasto : paste; dough
peli : to drive, propel; forpeli = to chase away
pentri : to paint (a picture)
piki : to prick, sting
pilko : ball (for games)
pinglo : pin
pinto : tip, point, apex
planti : to plant
planto : plant (n)
plata : flat, plane
plugi : to plough
pluraj : several
polico : police; policano = policeman
poluro : shine, lustre; poluri = to polish
polvo : dust
pomo : apple
ponto : bridge
posedi : to possess; posedaĵo = possession (thing possessed)
poto : jug, pot, can, jar
praktiko : practice; praktiki = to practise (eg profession); praktika = practical
preciza : precise; accurate
preĝi : to pray; preĝejo = church (building)
premio : prize
presi : to print; presejo = printer, press (n)
prezo : price
progresi : to progress; progreso = progress (n); progresema = progressive
publiko : public (n); publika = public (adj)
puni : to punish; monpuno = fine (punishment)
rado : wheel
rando : edge, rim
regno : state, realm
regulo : rule; regula = regular (a system); laŭregula = regular (a case)
rekomendi : to recommend
respekti : to respect
reto : net; network
rezulti : to result; rezulto = result (n)
rifuzi : to refuse
rikolti : to harvest, reap
rilati : to relate to, refer to
ripari : to repair, mend
riproĉi : to reproach, tell off
salo : salt
sankta : holy; sanktulo = saint
sapo : soap
savi : to save, rescue
scienco : science
sekreto : secret
semo : seed
serio : series
serpento : snake, serpent
sezono : season
signo : sign, token
skatolo : small box, case, tin
skrapi : to scrape
soifi : to be thirsty; soifa = thirsty
soldato : soldier
sorto : lot, destiny, fate
speciala : special, especial; speciale = in particular
spegulo : mirror
sperta : experienced, expert (adj); spertulo = expert (person)
spezi : to spend/receive money; enspezo = income; elspezi = to spend (money)
spico : spice, seasoning
stranga : odd, strange, peculiar
streĉi : to stretch; wind up (tr); malstreĉiĝi = to relax (intr)
subita : sudden; subite = suddenly
sudo : south
supo : soup
surda : deaf
ŝanco : chance (of success); bonŝanco = good fortune
ŝarĝo : load, burden
ŝerci : to joke, jest; ŝerco = joke (n)
ŝiri : to tear, rip (tr)
ŝnuro : string, cord
ŝoveli : to shovel; ŝovelilo = shovel (tool)
ŝranko : cupboard
ŝtrumpo : stocking; ŝtrumpeto = sock (n)
ŝuo : shoe
tabulo : plank; board
taso : cup
taŭga : suitable, fitting, adequate; taŭga = appropriate, suitable; sentaŭgulo = good-for-nothing (person)
teo : tea
tegmento : roof
telefono : telephone
tolo : linen (cloth)
tremi : to tremble, quiver
trompi : to deceive; cheat
trovi : to find; troviĝi = to be located
tualeto : toilette (dress)
tuko : (a piece of) cloth
tusi : to cough
ungo : fingernail; claw
valo : valley
vango : cheek
venki : to conquer, defeat, win
viando : meat
vico : row, rank; turn; laŭvice = in order, in turn
vigla : alert
viŝi : to wipe
volonta : willing, glad
volvi : to wrap, roll up
vosto : tail
vundo : wound, injury; vundi = to wound, injure

Grupo 7

abio : fir
abunda : abundant, plentiful
acida : acid, sour
adiaŭ : goodbye; adiaŭi = to say goodbye
aglo : eagle
agordo : tuning; mood
akcidento : accident, mishap
alumeto : match (for fire)
aparato : apparatus
armeo : army
artikolo : article (journalism, grammar)
aspekti : to look, seem
aŭtobuso : bus
aŭtomato : automaton
aventuro : adventure
babili : to chat, chatter
balono : balloon
banko : bank (financial); bankbileto = bank-note
bero : berry
bieno : estate, property
biero : beer
bileto : ticket
blinda : blind
blonda : fair, blond
boto : boot
brasiko : cabbage
breto : shelf
briko : brick
bulo : lump, chunk
burĝo : bourgeois (person)
centro : centre
cigaredo : cigarette
ciklo : cycle
citrono : lemon
ĉapo : cap
ĉarma : charming
ĉifono : rag
ĉokolado : chocolate
dato : date (time); datreveno = anniversary
daŭr/igi : to continue (tr)
deklivo : slope
des : so much the, the...THE; ju pli grande, des pli bone = the bigger the better;
des pli bone! = so much the better!
detrui : to destroy
dezerto : desert
difekti : to damage, spoil
difini : to define
diligenta : diligent
direktoro : director, manager
diskuti : to discuss
distanco : distance
distri : to distract, divert, entertain
diveni : to guess
dividi : to divide
domaĝi : to begrudge, think a pity; estas domaĝe, ke = it is a pity that
drato : wire
droni : to drown (intr)
eksciti : to exite
ekskursi : to make an excursion
ekzameni : to examine; ekzameno = exam
ekzerci : to exercise (tr)
elektro : electricity
embaraso : embarrassment; difficulty
energio : energy
enui : to feel bored
epoko : epoch, age, period
esplori : to explore, study, investigate
esprimi : to express
etaĝo : storey, floor
etendi : to spread, extend (tr)
eterna : eternal
evidenta : obvious, evident
evolui : to develop, evolve (intr)
fajfi : to whistle
faldi : to fold (tr)
faldo : fold (n)
fandi : to melt (tr)
farmi : to farm (tr)
farti : to fare, be (well or unwell); kiel vi fartas? = how are you?
faruno : flour
fasko : bundle
favora : favourable, advantageous
ferio : holiday
fianĉo : fiance, betrothed man
fidi : to trust, rely on; fidinda = reliable
figuro : figure, form
filmo : film
flamo : flame
floso : raft
fojno : hay
forĝi : to forge (metal)
fortika : robust, sturdy
fotografi : to photograph
frandi : to relish (a delicacy)
freneza : mad, insane
frosto : frost
froti : to rub
fulmo : lightning
glata : smooth
globo : globe
gluo : glue
gorĝo : throat
gracia : graceful
grado : degree (temperature; angle); grade
grimpi : to climb (intr)
grundo : soil, earth
gusto : taste
ĝemi : to groan, moan
ĝui : to enjoy (tr)
haki : to chop, hew
haveno : port, harbour
heziti : to hesitate
hirundo : swallow (bird)
hotelo : hotel
humila : humble
humoro : humour, mood
instinkto : instinct
jupo : skirt
kadro : frame, framework
kamarado : comrade
karaktero : character
karoto : carrot
kaserolo : saucepan
kataro : catarrh
kaŭĉuko : rubber
kavo : cavity, hollow
kelnero : waiter
klera : cultured, educated
klingo : blade
komitato : committee
komuniki : to communicate
koncerni : to concern
kongreso : congress
konsideri : to consider
konsoli : to console, comfort
konstati : to establish (a fact), ascertain
kotono : cotton
kremo : cream
krevi : to burst (intr)
kroĉi : to hook, hang up (tr)
kruda : raw; rough
kudri : to sew
kurbo : curve
kurioza : curious (strange)
kurso : course
kvadrato : square (n)
kvalito : quality
kvanto : quantity
lama : lame
lano : wool
larmo : tear (of eye)
laŭdi : to praise; laŭdinda = laudable, praiseworthy
laŭta : load, aloud
ledo : leather
leono : lion
leporo : hare
litro : litre
logi : to entice, lure; alloga = attractive
lui : to rent, hire (from somebody); luigi = to rent, hire (to somebody)
lukso : luxury
magazeno : large shop, store; magazine (eg of gun)
majstro : master (of art or profession)
makulo : stain, spot; senmakula = immaculate
malgraŭ : in spite of
maniko : sleeve
mantelo : coat; cloak
martelo : hammer
masoni : to do masons work
materialo : material; data
matraco : mattress
membro : member
mentono : chin
metio : handicraft, trade
metro : metre
milda : mild, gentle
mizero : misery, poverty
modo : fashion, vogue
moro : habit, custom
mordi : to bite
mueli : to grind (corn, etc)
murmuri : to murmur
muta : dumb; mute
najlo : nail
nebulo : fog
nesto : nest
nuda : naked, bare
nutri : to nourish, feed
odori : to smell (intr)
oferti : to offer, bid
oportuna : convenient, handy
oranĝo : orange (fruit); oranĝ(kolor)a = orange (adj)
organo : organ
origino : origin
ornami : to adorn, decorate
pajlo : straw
pala : pale (adj)
partio : party (faction); match (game)
pasporto : passport
pastro : priest, clergyman
peki : to sin
persekuti : to pursue; persecute; prosecute
pesi : to weigh, find weight of (tr)
petoli : to frolic, play pranks
pino : pine-tree
pipo : pipe (tobacco)
pizo : pea
placo : square (in town)
plado : dish, platter
plano : plan (n)
poeto : poet
politiko : politics; politikisto = politician
potenco : power, might
prezidi : to preside; prezidanto = chairman, president
privata : private
proksimuma : approximate
protekti : to protect
protesti : to protest
prudenta : sensible, reasonable
pugno : fist
puto : well (n)
radiko : root
rajdi : to ride (horse, bicycle, etc)
razi : to shave (tr); sin razi = to shave (intr)
reprezenti : to represent
registro : register, record; registri = to register (tr)
relo : rail
renversi : to upset, overthrow
restoracio : restaurant
ringo : ring (n)
rizo : rice
roko : rock
ruza : cunning, crafty
sablo : sand
salajro : salary, wages
sceno : scene
scivola : inquisitive, curious
sekundo : second (of time, angle)
seruro : lock (n)
severa : severe, strict
signifi : to mean, signify; dusignifa = ambiguous
sincera : sincere
skalo : scale (measure)
skulpti : to skulpt, carve
socio : society, the community
societo : (good) society
solido : solid
solvi : to solve, resolve; dissolve
sonĝi : to dream (in sleep)
sonoro : sound, ringing
spaco : space
stalo : stall, shed, stable
standardo : banner
sterni : to lay out, spread (tr)
stomako : stomach
streko : stroke, line; substreki = to underline; trastreki = to cross out
stulta : stupid, silly
suko : juice; sap
supozi : to suppose; presume
surprizi : to surprise
ŝirmi : to shelter, screen
ŝpari : to save up, economise; malŝpari = to waste
ŝtopi : to stop up, plug
ŝuldi : to owe
ŝultro : shoulder
ŝveli : to swell up
ŝvito : sweat, perspiration
tabako : tobacco
tabelo : list, table
taksi : to estimate, value; supertaksi = to overestimate
tapiŝo : carpet
tasko : task, job
teksi : to weave
telegrafo : telegraph
temo : topic, theme, subject
tenti : to tempt
terpomo : potato
titolo : title, heading
toleri : to tolerate
tombo : tomb, grave; tombejo = churchyard
tondro : thunder
traduki : to translate
tritiko : wheat
tubo : tube, pipe
turo : tower
urĝi : to be urgent, be pressing; urĝa = urgent
valizo : suitcase
vana : vain, futile
vato : cotton-wool; wadding
vazo : vase; vessel
ve! : woe!, alas!
ventro : belly, paunch
vermo : worm
verso : verse
verŝi : to pour (tr)
violo : violet (flower); viol(kolor)a = violet (adj)
zono : girdle, belt

Grupo 8

abelo : bee
abomeno : abhorance, loathing
aboni : to subscribe to (magazine, etc)
adicii : to add, add up
adjektivo : adjective
administri : to administer, manage
admiri : to admire
admoni : to exhort, admonish
adopti : to adopt
advokato : barrister
afiŝo : poster
afranki : to pay postage
akceli : to accelerate, further, promote
akurata : punctual, prompt
albumo : album
alkoholo : alcohol
almozo : alms; almozi = to beg; almozulo = beggar
amplekso : extent, range
anaso : duck
anĝelo : angel
animalo : animal (not vegetable)
apartamento : flat, apartment
apetito : appetite
apoteko : pharmacy
araneo : spider
arda : ardent
arko : arch; arc
asekuri : to insure, underwrite
asocio : association
atesti : to testify, certify
aŭto : car
aŭtomobilo : car
aŭtoritato : authority
avenuo : avenue
aviadilo : aircraft, aeroplane
avida : eager; greedy
baki : to bake
balanci : to rock, swing (tr)
barakti : to struggle
barelo : barrel
bazo : base; basis
bazaro : market, bazaar
bebo : baby
beni : to bless; malbeni = to curse (tr)
benzino : petrol
betulo : birch (tree)
biblioteko : library
biciklo : bicycle
bluzo : blouse
boato : boat
boji : to bark (dog)
bombono : sweet, bonbon
bori : to bore, drill
brakumi : to embrace
brava : worthy; gallant
bremso : brake
broŝuro : pamphlet
brovo : eyebrow, brow
bubo : brat, urchin
budo : stall, stand, booth
bulvardo : boulevard
butiko : shop
cedi : to yield, give way
cemento : cement
cerbo : brain
cirkonstanco : circumstance
citi : to quote
civilizi : to civilise
ĉagreni : to annoy, vex; distress
ĉeko : cheque
ĉeno : chain
ĉerizo : cherry
ĉerpi : to draw (water, etc); to extract
dependi : to depend; (de/pendi); sendependa = independent
dediĉi : to dedicate
deficito : deficit
degeli : to thaw, melt (intr)
deklari : to declare, state
dekoracio : decoration, decor
delegi : to delegate
deserto : dessert (pudding)
destini : to ordain, assign
detalo : detail
diablo : devil
disko : disc; record; sondisko = (gramophone) record
disputi : to dispute
distingi : to distinguish (tr)
distribui : to distribute
dramo : drama
drapo : (woollen) cloth
dungi : to employ, hire; maldungi = to sack (employee)
duŝo : shower (bath)
ebria : drunk; ebriulo = drunkard
ekonomio : economy
eksperimento : experiment
eksplodi : to explode (intr)
ekstrema : extreme
ekvilibro : equilibrium, balance (n)
elturniĝi : to escape, extricate oneself; (el/turn/iĝi)
elefanto : elefant
eleganta : elegant
eminenta : eminent, distinguished
emocio : emotion
enigmo : enigma, puzzle, riddle
entrepreni : to undertake
envii : to envy
escepti : to except, exclude; senescepte = without exception
esenco : essence
Esperanto : Esperanto; Esperantisto = Esperantist
ezoko : pike (fish)
fabriko : factory
fanfaroni : to boast, brag
farbo : paint (n)
faŭko : jaws, mouth (of animal)
febro : fever
felo : hide, skin (of animal)
fendo : crack, fissure
fervora : fervant, zealous
festeni : to feast, hold banquet
financo : finance
fiziko : physics
flari : to smell (tr)
fleksi : to bend (tr)
flirti : to flutter
foiro : fair, market
fondi : to found (establish)
fonografo : record-player
fosto : post, prop
frago : strawberry
frakasi : to shatter, smash
frambo : raspberry
friti : to fry
frizi : to dress hair; frizisto = hairdresser
fulgo : soot
fundamento : foundation
funebro : mourning
funkcio : function
funto : pound (weight)
ganto : glove
garaĝo : garage
garantii : to guarantee
genio : genius
gesti : to gesture
gladi : to iron
gloro : glory
gluti : to swallow
golfo : gulf, bay
grajno : grain, pip, granule
gratuli : to congratulate
hajlo : hail
he! : hey!
heredi : to inherit
heroo : hero
hoko : hook
hospitalo : hospital
hufo : hoof
humida : humid
ĥemio : chemistry
idealo : ideal
identa : identical
ilustri : to illustrate
imperio : empire
importi : to import
imposto : tax
impreso : impression
indiferenta : indifferent
influi : to influence
inĝeniero : engineer
inklina : disposed, inclined (to)
insisti : to insist
instali : to install
instigi : to prompt, urge, impel
instrumento : instrument, tool
insulti : to insult
intelekto : intellect
inteligenta : intelligent
ju pli : the more...; ju pli oni pensas... = the more you think...
juro : law (legal system)
juvelo : jewel
ĵaluza : jealous
ĵuri : to swear, take an oath
ĵurnalo : newspaper; ĵurnalisto = journalist
kabineto : study, office
kajo : quay, platform
kalendaro : calendar; diary
kalkano : heel (of foot)
kalsono : underpants, trunks; ban-kalsono = swimming-trunks
kamiono : lorry, truck
kandelo : candle
kanzono : song, ballad
kapitalo : capital (funds)
kaprica : capricious
karesi : to caress, stroke
kaso : till, cash-box
kastelo : castle
kateno : fetter, shackle
kilometro : kilometre
kino : the cinema (films); kinejo = cinema (theatre)
kitelo : overall, smock
kliento : client, customer
knedi : to knead
kolumo : collar (of clothing)
kolono : pillar, column
komo : comma
komandi : to command; be in command
komika : funny, comic
komisii : to commission, entrust (with task)
komisiono : commission, subcommittee
kompleta : complete
komplezi : to oblige, do a favour for (tr)
koncerto : concert
kondamni : to condemn; find guilty
konferenco : conference
konfidi : to entrust, confide
konfirmi : to confirm, corroborate
konfiti : to preserve (fruit, etc)
konfuzi : to confuse
konjekti : to conjecture, make guesses
konkludi : to conclude, infer
konkuri : to compete
konscienco : conscience
kontrakti : to enter into a contract
kontroli : to check, verify
konvinki : to convince
kopio : copy; kopii = to copy
kordo : string, cord
korko : cork
koto : mud
krado : grating, grid
krano : tap, faucet
krepusko : twilight
kreto : chalk
kripla : crippled, disabled
kritiki : to critise
krizo : crisis
krono : crown
kruĉo : jug
kruela : cruel; fierce
krusto : crust
kruta : steep
kubuto : elbow
kuglo : bullet
kukolo : cuckoo
kupro : copper
kurteno : curtain
kvartalo : quarter (of a town)
kverko : oak
lameno : lamina, thin plate
leki : to lick
lifto : lift (n)
listo : list; listigi = to list (tr)
literaturo : literature
lupo : wolf
maĉi : to chew
malvarmumo : cold (illness); (mal/varm/umo)
mamo : breast; udder; mamulo = mammal
mandato : mandate
mapo : map
marĉo : marsh
masto : mast
mastrumi : to master (eg language)
medikamento : medicament, medicine
mediti : to meditate
meĥaniko : mechanics
meĥanismo : mechanism
melki : to milk
metodo : method
migri : to migrate
miliardo : milliard, thousand million
milimetro : milimetre
mino : mine (mineral; explosive)
minus : minus
mistero : mystery
modelo : model
modera : moderate (adj); moderigi = to moderate
moderna : modern
modesta : modest (not boastful)
moskito : mosquito
motoro : motor, engine
munti : to erect, assemble
muso : mouse
muskolo : muscle
nadlo : needle
naiva : naive
naŭzi : to nauseate (tr)
nenies : no ones
neniom : not a bit
nervo : nerve
neto : fair copy; neta = neat, clear-cut; malneto = draft (of document)
nivelo : level
nobla : noble (adj)
nodo : knot; node
normala : normal
observi : to observe
oferi : to sacrifice
oficiala : official (adj); oficialulo = official (person)
olivo : olive
ombrelo : umbrella
operacii : to operate; operacio = operation
orfo : orphan
originalo : original (not a copy); originala = original (adj)
orto : right-angle
oscedi : to yawn
paĉjo : daddy
palaco : palace
panjo : mummy
parfumo : perfume
parko : park (n)
pasio : passion
Pasko : Easter
paŝti : to pasture, feed (eg cattle)
pato : frying-pan
patrono : patron
paŭzi : to pause, make a break
pejzaĝo : landscape
pelto : fur
penetri : to penetrate
peniko : paint-brush
penti : to repent
perfekta : perfect
perfidi : to betray
petrolo : petroleum, mineral oil
pilo : pile, cell of battery
pinĉi : to pinch, nip
pioĉo : pick-axe
piro : pear
plekti : to weave, plait
plenumi : to fulfil
pleto : tray
plumbo : lead (metal)
plus : plus
poemo : poem
poezio : poetry
posteno : station, post occupied
pozicio : position
preteksto : pretext, excuse
pretendi : to claim, presume to
probabla : probable
problemo : problem
procedi : to proceed
proceso : lawsuit
profesio : profession
profito : profit; malprofito = loss (financial)
prokrasti : to delay
provizo : provision, supply; provizi per = to provide with
prozo : prose
pruvi : to prove
pulmo : lung
pulvo : gunpowder
pulvoro : powder (anything in powder-form)
pumpi : to pump
pupo : doll
putri : to rot, putrify (intr)
rabi : to rob, plunder
rampi : to crawl, creep
rango : rank, grade
raporti : to report; raportisto = reporter
rato : rat
ravi : to delight (tr)
recepto : recipe; prescription
reciproka : mutual, reciprocal
regali : to entertain, treat
reklami : to advertise; reklamo = advertisement; reklamado = advertising
rekompenco : reward
rekordo : record (unexcelled performance)
remi : to row
respubliko : republic
revi : to dream (awake)
revuo : review, journal
rezervo : reserve (n)
rezigni : to forgo, renounce, give up
rezisti : to resist
ribeli : to rebel; mutiny; ribelulo = rebel (person)
rifuĝi : to take refuge, shelter; rifuĝejo = refuge (place)
ripo : rib
riski : to risk, hazard; senriska = safe (adj)
ritmo : rhythm
robo : robe; gown; dress
ronki : to snore; snort
rosti : to roast
sagaca : astute, shrewd
salono : lounge, saloon
saŭco : sauce
segi : to saw; segilo = saw (tool)
sekretario : secretary
sekso : sex
senso : sense (faculty)
serena : serene, calm
signalo : signal
silko : silk
simio : monkey
simpatio : liking, fellow-feeling
sistemo : system
sitelo : bucket, pail
sklavo : slave
skui : to shake (tr)
sobra : temperate, sober
sojlo : threshold; sill
sopiri : to yearn, long for
sorĉi : to bewitch
sovaĝa : wild; savage
sporto : sport
sprita : witty; lively
stampo : mark, stamp (something printed or impressed)
stango : rod, pole
stilo : style
strio : stripe, band, strip
striki : to strike (of workers)
strukturo : structure
studento : student
stumpo : stump, stub
sufoki : to suffocate, choke (tr)
surfaco : surface (geometrical)
suspekti : to suspect
sveni : to faint, swoon
svingi : to swing, wave, brandish (tr)
ŝargi : to load; charge
ŝelo : shell, peel, rind, bark
ŝmiri : to smear, anoint
ŝoforo : driver, chauffeur
ŝovi : to shove, push forward (tr)
ŝraŭbo : screw; ŝraŭbilo = screw-driver
ŝtalo : steel
ŝtofo : stuff, material
ŝuti : to pour out, tip out (tr)
tajli : to cut (cloth, diamond)
tajloro : tailor
teatro : theatre
tedi : to bore, tire; tediĝi = to be bored
tegi : to cover; face, coat
telegramo : telegram
temperaturo : temperature
tempesto : storm, tempest
tendo : tent; tendaro = camp (n)
teorio : theory
tereno : terrain, ground
tipo : type (variety)
tono : tone (note)
tordi : to wind, twist (tr)
trajno : train (railway)
trajto : feature, trait
trakti : to treat, deal with
traktoro : tractor
trempi : to dip, immerse
treni : to drag, tow
trezoro : treasure
triangulo : triangle; (tri/agulo)
tribunalo : tribunal, court (of justice)
trikoto : stockinet
trotuaro : pavement (side of road)
trunko : trunk, stem
turmenti : to torment; torture
urso : bear (animal)
vakcino : vaccine
varo : commodity; varoj = goods
varii : to vary (intr)
velo : sail
velki : to fade, wither (intr)
veneno : poison
verbo : verb
vergo : rod; twig; wand
verto : crown of the head
veŝto : waistcoat
vidvo : widower; vidvino = widow
virto : virtue
vito : vine
vualo : veil
vulpo : fox

Grupo 9

abrikoto : apricot
abrupta : abrupt
absoluta : absolute
abstini : to abstain
absurda : absurd
-aĉ- : d. contempt; domaĉo = hovel
adapti : to adapt, fit
adori : to adore, worship
adverbo : adverb
aflikti : to afflict, distress
Afriko : Africa
agento : agent
agiti : to agitate, stir up
ajlo : garlic
akademio : academy
akcento : accent
akcio : share (in company)
akno : pimple, spot
akordo : agreement
akrido : locust
akso : axis; axle
akto : act (theatre; law)
aktiva : active
aktoro : actor
aktuala : topical, current, present
akuzi : to accuse
alarmo : alarm, alert
alaŭdo : skylark
aleo : garden-walk; avenue
alfabeto : alphabet
algo : seaweed
alterni : to alternate (intr)
aludi : to allude, refer to
aluminio : aluminium
amara : bitter
amatoro : amateur, enthusiast
ambasado : embassy
ambasadoro : ambassador
Ameriko : America
ampolo : bulb (electric)
anekdoto : anecdote
angilo : eel
ansero : goose
aperturo : aperture
aplaŭdi : to applaud, clap
apliki : to apply
apostolo : apostle
apro : wild boar
arbitra : arbitrary
arterio : artery
artiko : joint
asembleo : assembly
aserti : to state, assert
asfalto : asphalt
asisti : to assist (in official capacity)
Atlantiko : Atlantic
atomo : atom
aŭdaca : audacious, daring
Aŭstralio : Australia
aŭtoro : author
avantaĝo : advantage
aveno : oats
Azio : Asia
bacilo : bacillus (bacterium)
bagatelo : trifle, unimportant thing
bakterio : bacterium
balo : ball, dance (n)
balbuti : to stammer
baloti : to vote, elect
bambuo : bamboo
banano : banana
bandaĝo : bandage
banto : bow, bow-tie
bapti : to baptise
barbiro : barber
barko : sailing-craft
basko : coat-tail, skirt
bendo : tape; strip, band
beto : beet, beetroot
bifsteko : steak
bindi : to bind (books)
blasfemi : to blaspheme, swear
bleki : to cry (of animals)
bloko : block
bonvoli : to be so good as to; (bon/voli); bonvole = please
borso : stock-exchange
bovlo : bowl
braceleto : bracelet, bangle
brando : spirits, schnapps
bredi : to breed (tr); raise
brido : bridle, restraint
brokanti : to deal in second-hand goods
bronzo : bronze
bruto : head of cattle
buĉi : to slaughter
budĝeto : budget
buko : buckle
bukedo : bouquet
buklo : curl (of hair)
bulbo : bulb; onion
bulko : roll (bread)
bulteno : bulletin
burĝono : bud
centimetro : centimetre
centralo : telephone-exchange; power-station
cepo : onion
cervo : deer
cigaro : cigar
cigno : swan
cikado : cicada
cikatro : scar
cikonio : stork
cinamo : cinnamon
cindro : ash, cinder
ciro : shoe-polish
cirkelo : compasses
cirklo : circle
cirkuli : to circulate (eg traffic)
cirkulero : circular (letter)
cirkvito : circuit
civila : civil, civilian
civito : city-state; civic state; civitano = citizen
ĉaro : cart, trolley
ĉarumo : wheelbarrow
ĉeesti : to attend, be present
ĉelo : cell
ĉerko : coffin
ĉial : for every reason
ĉies : everbodys
ĉifi : to crumple, crease
ĉiom : every quantity
-ĉj- : d. masc. affect. diminutives; paĉjo = daddy
daktilo : date (fruit)
dando : dandy, fop
deteni : to restrain
debeto : debit
deci : to be fitting
deĵori : to be on duty
deliri : to be delirious
denunci : to denounce
deponi : to deposit
deputi : to depute
determini : to determine
devontigi : to compel; (dev/ont/igi)
dialogo : dialogue
dianto : carnation
dieto : diet
digesti : to digest
dikti : to dictate
dimensio : dimension
disponi : to have at ones disposal; disponebla = available
dogano : customs
dokumento : document
dorloti : to pamper, pet
dorno : thorn
doto : dowry
dresi : to train, tame
efekto : effect, impression produced
egoisto : egotist
eĥo : echo
ekipi : to equip, fit out
eklezio : church (organisation)
ekrano : screen
eks- : ex-, formerly; eksprezidanto = ex-president
ekspedi : to dispatch, send off
ekspluati : to exploit
eksporti : to export
ekspozicio : exhibition
ekvatoro : equator
ekzakta : exact
ekzekuti : to execute (a criminal)
eldoni : to publish (a book, etc); eldonejo = publisher, publishing-house
elasta : elastic
elektroniko : electronics
elemento : element
emajlo : enamel
emerito : retired person, pensioner
-end- : d. obligation to be -ed; pagenda = payable
enketi : to investigate
epidemio : epidemic
-er- : d. unit
eskapi : to escape
estigi : to bring about; (est/igi)
establi : to establish
etapo : stage, step
etato : statement, returns
Eŭropo : Europe
evento : event
fabo : bean
fabelo : tale, story
faco : face (of object)
fago : beech (tree)
fajenco : china, earthenware
falĉi : to mow
familiara : familiar, informal
fantazio : fantasy; imagination
fasado : facade
fasono : cut (of clothes)
fasti : to fast
fazeolo : kidney-bean, haricot
feo : spirit, fairy
feĉo : dregs; sludge
federacio : federation
felto : felt (material)
fenomeno : phenomenon
fi! : shame!; (as prefix) d. shamefulness; fikomerco = shady business
figo : fig (fruit)
fikcio : fiction
flagri : to flare, flare up
flati : to flatter
fliki : to patch, mend
fluido : fluid
flustri : to whisper
fontano : fountain
foresti : to be absent; (for/esti)
formiko : ant
formulo : formula
fotelo : arm-chair
frako : dress-coat, full dress
frazo : sentence
fripono : rogue, crook
fronto : frontage, front
fuĝi : to flee, run away
funelo : funnel
fungo : fungus
furaĝo : to forage
furioza : furious, raging
fuŝi : to bungle
galo : bile, gall
galoŝo : galosh, overshoe
garbo : sheaf
garni : to fit out
gelateno : gelatine
generacio : generation
generalo : general (military)
gento : tribe, ethnic group
geografio : geography
girlando : garland
glavo : sword
gobio : gudgeon (fish)
gramo : gram
gramatiko : grammar
grandioza : magnificent, splendid
grati : to scratch
graveda : pregnant
grego : flock, herd
grimaci : to grimace
grinci : to grate, creak, grind
gripo : influenza, flu
groto : cave
gruo : crane (bird)
grumbli : to grumble
gudro : tar
gumo : gum; eraser
gustumi : to taste (tr)
gvardio : guard (military corps)
ĝemelo : twin
ĝendarmo : constable
ĝermo : germ
ĝibo : hump
halo : hall, large room
hangaro : hangar (for aircraft)
haringo : herring
harmonio : harmony
havigi : to procure, get; (hav/igi)
hazardo : chance, accident
heĝo : hedge
hektaro : hectare
helikoptero : helicopter
hepato : liver
heroldo : herald
higieno : hygiene
himno : hymn, anthem
hordeo : barley
horizonto : horizon
horizontalo : horizontal
humana : humane
ĥoro : chorus, choir
iafoje : sometimes
ignori : to ignore (deliberately)
impeti : to leap, spring, shoot forwards
impliki : to entangle; implicate
impulso : impulse, impetus
imuna : immune
inciti : to irritate; incite; exite
indigni : to be indignant
indiki : to indicate
individuo : individual
indulgi : to be lenient with (tr)
infekti : to infect
infero : hell
-ing- : d. holder; kandelingo = candlestick
iniciati : to iniciate, originate (tr)
injekti : to inject
insidi : to ensnare
insigno : badge
inspektoro : inspector
inspiri : to inspire
instanco : authority, official body
interpelacii : to ask a question in parlament
interpreti : to interpret
intesto : intestine
intima : intimate
inundi : to flood (tr)
invalido : disabled person
inventi : to invent
ironio : irony
izoli : to isolate; insulate
jubileo : jubilee
jugo : yoke
juki : to itch (tr)
jungi : to harness
kabano : hut, shanty, shack
kaĉo : mush; mess
kaduka : decrepit
kaĝo : cage
kahelo : tile; flagstone
kajuto : cabin
kakao : cocoa
kakto : cactus
kalo : corn (on foot)
kaldrono : boiler
kalkanumo : heel (of shoe); (kalkan/umo)
kalumnii : to slander, libel, malign
kamelo : camel
kanalo : canal, channel
kandidato : candidate
kankro : crayfish
karafo : carafe, decanter
karno : flesh
karnavalo : carnival
karpo : carp (fish)
kartono : cardboard
kaskedo : (peaked) cap
kaŝtano : chestnut
katalogo : catalogue
kategorio : category
kaverno : cave, cavern
kazo : case
kejlo : peg, plug
kerno : core, kernel
kioma : which number; kioma horo? = what time?
kirurgo : surgeon
kirurgio : surgery (science)
klasika : classic; classical
klimato : climate
kliniko : clinic
klopodi : to take steps, endeavour
klubo : club (society)
koketa : coquettish
kokoso : coconut
kolegio : college
kolektiva : collective
kolizii : to collide
kolombo : pigeon
kolonelo : colonel (military)
kolumno : column (newspaper, soldiers, etc)
kombini : to combine (tr)
komedio : comedy
komisaro : commissar
kompanio : company
kompensi : to compensate
kompetenta : competent
komplemento : complement
kompliki : to complicate; komplika = complicated
komponi : to compose (music; chemical)
kompromiti : to compromise, jeapardise
komunumo : community; (komun/umo)
koncentri : to concentrate (make denser)
koncepto : concept
konfidenco : confidence
konkordo : concord
konkurso : competition, contest
konsekvenco : consequence
konstitucio : constitution
konsulo : consul
konsumi : to consume; use up
kontanta : ready (money); cash
kontesti : to contest
konvalo : lily of the valley
konversacii : to converse (intr)
korekti : to correct; korekta = correct (adj)
koridoro : corridor
korniko : (carrion) crow
korvo : raven
kosmo : cosmos, space
kostumo : dress, costume
kraĉi : to spit
kranio : skull
kredito : credit
kresto : crest
kristalo : crystal
krokodilo : crocodile
kubo : cube; dice
kukumo : cucumber
kukurbo : pumpkin
kulto : cult; worship
kuniklo : rabbit
kupono : coupon
kurento : current (electrical)
kuseno : cushion
laboratorio : laboratory
lacerto : lizard
laĉo : lace (of shoe)
lado : sheet-metal
lako : lacquer
lanterno : lantern
lapo : burdock
lardo : bacon
larvo : larva, grub
latitudo : latitude (geographical)
latuno : brass
laŭbo : bower, arbour
lekcio : lecture
lesivo : wahing-solution
leŭtenanto : lieutenant
liceo : secondary school
licenco : licence
likvo : liquid
lilio : lily
limako : slug
lino : flax
liveri : to supply, deliver
logiko : logic
lojala : loyal
lokomotivo : locomotive
longitudo : longitude
loto : lot (something assigned by chance)
lotuso : lotus
lubriki : to lubricate
luko : skylight; porthole
lukti : to wrestle, struggle
luli : to lull asleep
maizo : maize, corn
majesta : majestic
maksimumo : maximum
maleolo : ankle
malica : malicious
malvo : mallow (flower)
manipuli : to manipulate
manovri : to manoeuvre
marmelado : jam, marmalade
maso : mass
mato : mat
matematiko : mathematics
materio : matter
medicino : medicine
Mediteraneo : Mediterranean
melono : melon
mencii : to mention
menso : mind
menuo : menu
metalurgio : metallurgy
mielo : honey
mineralo : mineral
minimumo : minimum
ministerio : ministry (government)
ministro : minister (government); ministrejo = ministry (government); ĉefministro = prime-minister
mirinda : wonderful
mirtelo : bilberry, blueberry
mis- : mis-; misuzi = to misuse
mistifiki : to hoax, fool
modifi : to modify; modifo = modification
monstro : monster
monumento : monument
moralo : morals
muĝi : to roar, bellow
multipliki : to multiply (tr)
musko : moss
muzeo : museum
muzelo : snout, muzzle
najtingalo : nightingale
neglekti : to neglect
nenial : for no reason
neniel : in no way
nervoza : nervous
nilono : nylon
-nj- : d. fem. affect. dim.; panjo = mummy
nuko : nape (of neck)
nukso : nut
oblikva : oblique; slanting
obstaklo : obstacle
obstina : obstinate
oceano : ocean
ofendi : to offend
oficiro : officer (military, etc)
-op- : d. collective numerals; duope = by twos
opero : opera
oponi : to oppose
opozicii : to be in opposition
oratoro : orator
orienti : to orient
orkestro : orchestra
ortografio : orthography, spelling
ovalo : oval (n)
Pacifiko : Pacific Ocean
palato : palate (of mouth)
paliso : stake, pale (n)
palmo : palm (tree)
palpi : to feel (by touch)
palpebro : eyelid
palto : coat, overcoat
paneo : breakdown, mechanical failure
pantoflo : slipper
papo : pope
papago : parrot
papilio : butterfly
paradizo : paradise
paralelo : parallel
paraŝuto : parachute
parlamento : parlament
pasaĝero : passenger
pasero : sparrow
pavo : peacock
pekli : to pickle
pendolo : pendulum
pensio : pension (retirement)
perei : to perish, be lost
periodo : period
perlo : pearl
perono : flight of steps; platform
persiko : peach
persisti : to persist; persevere
pia : pious
piano : piano
piceo : spruce (fir-tree)
pigo : magpie
piloto : pilot
pioniro : pioneer
pipro : pepper
plago : calamity, scourge
plando : sole (of foot)
plandumo : sole (of shoe); (pland/umo)
planedo : planet
plasto : plastic (material)
plastiko : plastic art, modelling
platano : plane-tree
plenaĝa : adult (adj); (plen/aĝa)
pliigi : to increase (tr); (pli/igi)
plonĝi : to dive, plunge (intr)
pluralo : plural
po : at the rate of
populara : popular
porcelano : china (porcelain)
porcio : portion
portreto : portrait
pra- : d. great- in great-grandfather, etc
prelegi : to lecture; prelego = lecture (n)
preskribi : to prescribe
princo : prince
principo : principle (n)
procento : percentage
profesoro : professor
profeto : prophet
programo : programme; program (computer)
projekto : project
proleto : proletarian (person)
proletario : proletarian (person)
pronomo : pronoun
prononci : to pronounce
propagandi : to spread, promote, propagate
proponi : to propose, offer, suggest
propozicio : proposition; clause (grammar)
prosperi : to prosper
proverbo : proverb
provinco : province
provoki : to provoke; challenge
pruno : plum
psikologio : psychology
pudro : powder (cosmetic, etc)
punto : lace (fabric)
pupilo : pupil (of eye)
puso : pus
rabato : rebate, discount
racio : reason (logical faculty)
radiatoro : radiator
rafano : radish
rano : frog
raŭka : hoarse
raŭpo : caterpillar
reformi : to reform
resumo : summary
reakcio : reaction; reakcii = to react
reala : real
recenzi : to review (book, etc)
redakti : to edit
redukti : to reduce (tr)
reflekti : to reflect (light, etc)
regimento : regiment
reĝimo : regime
rektangulo : right-angle; (rekt/angulo
relativa : relative
reno : kidney
rendevuo : rendez-vous, appointment
rento : income (unearned)
revizii : to revise, audit, inspect
revolucii : to revolt; revolucio = revolution (revolt)
rezoni : to reason
ribo : currant
rigida : rigid, stiff
rimo : rhyme
rimeno : strap
riveli : to develop (photo); reveal
riverenci : to bow, curtsey
rivoluo : revolution (mechanical)
rolo : role, part
romano : novel
roso : dew
rubando : ribbon
ruino : ruin
rusto : rust (n)
sago : arrow
salato : salad
saliko : willow
sandviĉo : sandwich
sarki : to weed (tr)
satiro : satire
sciuro : squirrel
sekalo : rye
sekci : to dissect
sekcio : section
sekura : safe, secure
senato : senate
sino : bosom; lap
sindona : devoted; (sin/dona)
singarda : careful; (sin/garda)
sinteno : attitude; (sin/teno)
sindikato : syndicate, trades-union
singularo : singular
situo : site, situation
situacio : situation, state of affairs
skio : ski
skorpio : scorpion
sledo : sledge, sleigh
sociala : social, welfare (adj)
sofo : sofa
solena : solemn
solidara : jointly responsible, interdependent
sorbi : to absorb; sip
sorgo : sorghum
specimeno : specimen, sample
spektaklo : spectacle, display
spiko : ear (of corn)
spinaco : spinach
spiti : to defy, brave
splito : splinter
spongo : sponge
spuro : trace, track, trail
stadio : stage (of development)
stadiono : stadium
stameno : stamen
stano : tin (metal)
starti : to start (intr)
statuo : statue
staturo : stature
sterko : dung, manure
strigo : owl
struto : ostrich
subjekto : subject
substanco : substance
substantivo : substantive, noun
subtila : subtle; fine
subtrahi : to subtact
suĉi : to suck
sulko : wrinkle, furrow
suplemento : supplement
surtuto : overcoat; overall; (sur/tuto)
susuri : to rustle; swish
svati : to act as a matchmaker, arrange matrimony
ŝakalo : jackal
ŝanceli : to shake, make unstable (tr)
ŝaŭmo : foam, froth
ŝinko : ham (meat)
ŝpini : to spin (into thread)
ŝpruci : to spurt out (intr)
ŝtipo : log (wood)
tajpi : to type
takto : tact
talio : waist; waistline
tapeto : wallpaper
tarifo : tariff
tegolo : tile (for roof)
teĥniko : technique; technology
teksto : text; tekstprogramo = word-processor
televidi : to watch television; televidilo = TV set
tendenco : tendency
tenera : tender(-hearted)
teraso : terrace
teritorio : territory
termometro : thermometer
terni : to sneeze
testudo : tortoise
ties : that ones
tigo : stem, stalk
tigro : tiger
tikli : to tickle (tr)
tinkturo : dye; tincture
tinti : to tinkle; clink
tomato : tomato
torento : torrent
torto : tart, pie
tradicio : tradition
trafiko : traffic
tragedio : tragedy
tragika : tragic
traktato : treaty
tramo : tram
trejni : to train, coach
triki : to knit (tr)
trudi : to impose, force upon
trumpeto : trumpet
trupo : troop
tubero : lump, bump; knot; knob
tufo : tuft, wisp
tumulto : riot; tumult
tuno : tonne
tunelo : tunnel
turismo : tourism
turisto : tourist
uniformo : uniform (n)
unika : unique
universala : universal
universitato : university
vadi : to wade
vagi : to wander, roam
vakso : wax
valida : valid; validi = to be valid
vanta : frivolous; vain
varti : to nurse (child)
vegetalo : vegetable (not animal or mineral)
vegetara : vegetarian
vejno : vein
veluro : velvet
venĝi : to avenge, take vengeance
vertico : vertex, apex
vertikalo : vertical
veruko : wart
vespo : wasp
veti : to bet, wager
veziko : blister; bladder
viadukto : viaduct
viktimo : victim
vindo : bandage; swathing
violono : violin
vipo : whip
virga : virgin (adj)
volumo : volume (tome)
volumeno : volume (size)
vomi : to vomit, throw up
vulkano : volcano
vulturo : vulture
zinko : zink
zoologio : zoology
zumi : to hum, buzz; zumado = humming, buzzing

BREN-aldonoj / additions ... by Wouter F. PILGER
Dum la ellaborado de miaj "Bazaj Radikoj Esperanto-Esperanto", montriĝis, ke necesas aldoni plurajn radikojn, aŭ por povi difini la ja enestantajn, aŭ, ĉar ili (ne nur laŭ mi) estas almenaŭ tiel gravaj aŭ oftaj, kiel radikoj ja enestantaj. Jen tiuj radikoj, kun Angla traduko.

While editing my "Bazaj Radikoj Esperanto-Esperanto", I had to add a number of roots, on the one hand because they were needed for defining some words in the list, on the other hand because they were (not only in my view) at least as important or frequent as roots that do figure in the list. So here they are, with an English translation.

Grupo 10

absceso : abcess
abstrakta : abstract (adj)
afikso : affix (prefix or suffix)
akvumi : to water (plants) (akv/um/i)
aldoni : to add (al/don/i)
aliĝi : to become a member or participant (al/iĝ/i)
alternativo : (an) alternative, option
ambulanco : ambulance; field-hospital
amfibio : amphibian (animal)
amindumi : to court, to pet, to woo (am/ind/um/i)
anso : (a) handle
antaŭulo : predecessor (antaŭ/ul/o)
antikva : antique, ancient
arbusto : bush
arĉo : bow (of violin)
aresti : to arrest
argilo : clay
argumento : (an) argument, (a) point; argumenti: to argue (for/against)
aromo : aroma
artifiko : trick; artifice
artiklo : article (in shop)
astro : heavenly body
atenci : to assault, to violate
baleno : whale
barilo : barrier; (a) fence (bar/il/o)
baterio : battery (electric cells, cannons,...)
bonhavo : asset(s) (money in bank); bonhava: well-to-do (bon/hav/o)
branko : gill
broĉo : brooch
brodi : to embroider
bv. : = bonvolu: please
cendo : cent
cerbumi : to rack one's brains (cerb/um/i)
ceremonio : ceremony
cico : nipple
cilindro : cylinder
colo : inch
ĉ. : = ĉirkaŭ: approx.
ĉarniro : hinge
ĉarpenti : to carpenter
ĉasta : chaste
ĉirkaŭaĵo : surroundings (ĉirkaŭ/aĵ/o)
d-ro : = doktoro: dr.
damo : Dame, lady (title); queen (in chess); king (in draughts); damoj = dam-ludo: draughts
definitiva : definitive, definite; final
degeneri : to degenerate
demokratio : democracy
demokrato : democrat
depreni : to take (sth) off (sth) (de/pren/i)
derivi : to derive (sth)
deveno : descent; origin (de/ven/o)
digo : dike; embankment
diplomo : diploma; certificate
distili : to distil
distrikto : district
drinki : to drink alcoholic beverages (too much or too often)
ekskrementoj : excrement; faeces (=fekaĵo)
ekstra : extra
ekz. : = ekzemple: e.g.; = ekzemplero(j): copies
ekzemplero : (a) copy (of book); specimen
elipso : ellipse
elparolo : = prononco: pronunciation (el/parol/o)
elstari : to stick out; to stand out; to contrast (with) (el/star/i); elstara: outstanding
elteni : to endure; to bear (el/ten/i)
elvoki : to call out; to bring about; to evoke (el/vok/i)
enhavo : content(s) (en/hav/o)
enmiksiĝi : to meddle with (en/miks/iĝ/i)
Eo : = Esperanto
etikedo : (a) label
etiketo : etiquette
etoso : atmosphere (mood)
eventuala : possible (according to circumstances)
ezofago : gullet
f-ino : = fraŭlino: miss
fablo : fable
faksi : to fax
faksimilo : facsimile
fakturo : invoice
fantomo : ghost; phantom
fariĝi : become; arise (far/iĝ/i)
feki : defecate; fekaĵo: faeces; droppings
femuro : thigh
ferdeko : deck (of ship)
fermenti : to ferment
fervojo : railway (fer/voj/o)
fibro : fibre
filtri : to filter
fluto : flute
formala : formal
forpreni : take away (for/pren/i)
foto : photo
fumaĵi : smoke(-cure) (fish, meat) (fum/aĵ/i)
futbalo : football (game); soccer; futbali: to play football, soccer
generi : beget; generate
ges., ges-roj : = gesinjoroj: Mr. and Mrs.; ladies and gentlemen
gimnastiko : gymnastics
glando : gland
gramofono : gramophone
ĝirafo : giraffe
helico : helix; propeller; screw (of ship)
horaro : time-table (hor/ar/o)
i.a. : = inter aliaj; interalie: i.a.
indiĝeno : (a) native
inspekti : to inspect
instrukcio : directions; instructions
interalie : amongst other things (inter/ali/e)
internacia : international (inter/naci/a)
interrompi : to interrupt (inter/romp/i)
intertempe : in the mean time; in between (inter/temp/e)
interveni : to intervene (inter/ven/i)
intervjui : to interview
inversa : inverse; reverse; contrary
irk. : = internacia respondkupono: international answer coupon (of the post office)
k.a. : = kaj aliaj: e.a.; and others
k.s. : = kaj similaj; kaj simile: and such
k.t.p. : = kaj tiel plu: and so on; etc.
kalcio : calcium
kalko : lime
kamero : (small) dark room; cavity; camera
kano : reed; cane
kanguruo : kangaroo
kanono : cannon (gun)
kapitano : captain
kapuĉo : hood; cowl
kardo : thistle
kasedo : = kaseto: cassette (audio or video)
kaseto : cassette
katastrofo : disaster, catastrophe
kemio : = ĥemio
kirli : to stir
klavo : key (piano, typewriter)
klavaro : keyboard (klav/ar/o)
kokso : hip
kolbaso : sausage
kolego : colleague
komenti : to comment
komplimento : compliment; komplimenti: to compliment
komposti : set (type)
komputi : to compute; to meter; komputilo: computer
konekti : to connect; to plug in
konko : shell (of oyster, snail)
konkreta : concrete (not abstract)
konsonanto : consonant
konsterni : to appal
konsulti : to consult
konto : account
kontakto : contact; kontakti: to contact; kontaktilo: plug
kontinento : continent
kontrasto : contrast
kontribui : to contribute
konuso : cone
kortumo : court (of justice) (kort/um/o)
korupti : to corrupt; to bribe
kotizo : dues; subscription (money)
krampo : clamp; staple; bracket; "(" (ronda krampo), "[" (rekta krampo),
"{" (kurba / onda krampo); "<" (pinta krampo); krampi: to staple
kribri : to sift; to sieve
kriterio : criterion
kulo : gnat
kultivi : = kulturi: to till; to cultivate
kunsido : session; meeting (of board, committee, council) (kun/sid/o)
kunveno : meeting, gathering (kun/ven/o)
kursiva : in italics
kurzo : rate of exchange
kvereli : to quarrel
laiko : layman
lanugo : down; fluff
legitimi : legitimize; authenticate (legitimilo: identification (paper))
liki : to leak (out of)
literumi : to spell (letters) (liter/um/i)
lo! : (ha lo!: hallo! (telephone))
lotumi : to allot (lot/um/i)
magio : magic
magneto : magnet
mamulo : mammal (mam/ul/o)
maŝo : loop; mash; mail
medio : environment; milieu
mejlo : mile
memstara : independent; on one's own (mem/star/a)
mesaĝo : message
miraklo : miracle
mito : myth
mitulo : mussel
modemo : modem
molekulo : molecule
molusko : mollusc
monaĥo : monk
mortero : mortar (for building)
motivo : motive; motif; motivi: justify
movado : movement (also common action) (mov/ad/o)
murdo : (a) murder; murdi: to murder
n-ro : = numero: nr.
necesejo : toilet; w.c. (neces/ej/o)
negativa : negative
neŭtrala : neutral
normo : norm; standard
novaĵo : something new; piece of news (nov/aĵ/o)
nuanco : nuance; shade, hue
obligacio : bond; debenture
oksido : oxide
organika : organic (chem)
orgeno : organ (music)
ostro : oyster
paciento : patient
paniko : panic
parkere : by heart; parkerigi: to learn by heart
participo : participle
partopreni : to participate (part/o/pren/i)
pasiva : passive
pedalo : pedal
peri : purvey; act as go-between (per/i); peranto: agent; mediator
piedingo : stirrup (pied/ing/o)
pisi : to piss
plotono : platoon
pneŭmatiko : pneumatics; tyre
poento : point (in scoring); mark (in school)
poluso : pole (north, south; positive, negative)
posteulo : successor (post/e/ul/o)
pozitiva : positive
pramo : ferry
predikato : predicate (grammar)
prefikso : prefix
prepozicio : preposition
prezidento : president (head of state)
priskribi : describe (pri/skrib/i)
projekcii : to project (film)
proporcio : proportion; ratio
protokolo : minutes (of meeting); official report; police warrant
provizora : provisional
psiko : psyche
pulovero : pullover, jumper
purpura : purple
raketo : rocket
rampulo : reptile (=reptilio) (ramp/ul/o)
raso : race; breed; rasismo: rac(ial)isme
redakcio : editorial department
redaktoro : = redaktisto: editor
registaro : government (reg/ist/ar/o)
reĝisoro : stage-manager
reliefo : relief (sculpture)
rentumo : interest (rent/um/o)
reprodukti : reproduce (sth) (re/produkt/i)
reptilio : = rampulo: reptile
respondeca : responsible (for) (respond/ec/a)
respondkupono : answer coupon (post office)
(also being used for small payments abroad) (respond/kupon/o)
risorto : (a) spring
rk. : = respondkupono: answer coupon
rotacii : rotate (intr)
rubo : rubble; rubbish
rubriko : section; column; heading
s-ino : = sinjorino: Mrs.
s-ro : = sinjoro: Mr.
salamandro : salamander
saldo : balance (account)
salivo : saliva
satelito : satellite
selo : saddle
sendependa : independent (sen/de/pend/a)
sfero : sphere
siatempe : in his/her time; at the time (si/a/temp/e)
silabo : syllable
simbolo : symbol
sinsekve : successively (si/n/sekv/e)
siropo : syrup
skeleto : skeleton
skemo : schema, diagram
skizo : (a) sketch; skizi: to sketch
skvamo : scale (of fish,...)
starpunkto : standpoint (star/punkt/o)
strikta : tight; stringent
subaĉeti : = korupti: to bribe (sub/aĉet/i)
subskribi : to sign (sub/skrib/i); subskribo: signature
subteni : to support (sub/ten/i)
sufikso : suffix
sugesti : to suggest
superflua : superfluous (super/flu/a)
ŝako : check! (in chess); (ŝakoj = ŝak-ludo: chess (game))
ŝalmo : (reed-)pipe; straw (for drinking)
ŝimo : mildew; (ŝimi: to go mouldy)
ŝlimo : slime; sludge
ŝoki : to shock; ŝoko: (a) shock
t.e. : = tio estas: i.e.; that is
tajdo : tide
tamburo : drum
tavolo : layer
teamo : team
tekniko : = teĥniko
telekomuniki : communicate by telecommunication
trabo : (wooden) beam
transitiva : transitive
tribo : tribe
troviĝi : to be found; to be (somewhere) (trov/iĝ/i)
turbano : turban
urino : urine; urini: to urinate (=pisi)
Usono : the United States, the USA
vakuo : vacuum
vando : (inside) wall; partition
varbi : to recruit; canvass (support)
ventumi : to winnow; to fan; to ventilate (vent/um/i)
versio : version
verŝajna : likely; probable (ver/ŝajn/a)
vibri : to vibrate (intr)
vic- : vice-; spare
vidpunkto : point of view (vid/punkt/o)
vinagro : vinegar
voĉdoni : to vote (voĉ/don/i)
vokalo : vowel
volbo : vault (arched roof)
vortaro : dictionary (vort/ar/o)
zebro : zebra
zipo : zip (fastener); zipi: to zip
