al to; towards
alta high; tall
angulo corner, angle
bela beautiful; handsome
blonda fair, blond(e)
demandas ask(s)
demandi to ask
demando question
diras say(s), tell(s)
diri to say
ebla possible
eble maybe, perhaps, possibly
en in
estas am, is, are
esti to be
fakte as a matter of fact
fakto fact
granda big, large, great
ho oh!
iras go, goes
iri to go
jen here is, here are, behold
jes yes
juna young
kaj and
kara dear
kio what
kiu who
knabino girl
knabo boy
kun with
la the
laboras work(s)
labori to work
li he, him
mi I, me
mondo world
multaj many
multe much
ne no, not
nenio nothing
nova new
nu well (as in: well,
as far as I'm concerned...)
nun now
nur only
okazas happens
okazi to happen
plej most
restoracio restaurant
rigardas look(s) (at)
rugardi to look (at)
saluton hullo!, hi!
sed but
serioza serious, earnest
scias know(s)
scii to know
sidas sit(s)
sidi to sit
sincera sincere
sola alone; (the) only (...)
speciala special
spegulo mirror
studento student
tiu that one, that
tro too, too much, too many
tuta whole, entire
tute quite
universitato university
venas come(s)
veni to come
vera true, real
vere really
verŝajna probable, likely
verŝajne probably
vi you
virino woman
viro man, male
-o noun
vera, "true"
> la vero, "the truth"
ebla, "possible"
> eblo, "possibility"
li demandas, "he asks"
> demando, "a question"
mi scias, "I know"
> scio, "knowledge"
-a adjective
viro, "man" > vira "masculine"
angulo, "angle"
> angula, "angular"
-e adverb
bela, "beautiful"
> bele, "beautifully"
knabina, "girlish"
> knabine,
"in a girlish way",
vi demandas, "you ask"
> demande, "questioningly"
-as verb, present tense
serioza, "serious"
> mi seriozas,
"I'm being serious",
"I'm speaking seriously"
kunsido (kun + sido),
"a session",
literally: "a sitting-with",
"a sitting together"
> vi kunsidas,
"you hold a session",
"you have a meeting"
-u verb, imperative
iru!, "go!"
venu!, "come!"
vi sidas, "you're sitting"
> sidu! "be seated"
mal- opposite
alta, "high" > malalta, "low"
vero, "truth" > malvero,
-in- female
knabo, "boy" > knabino, "girl"
Kiu estas Gerda?, "Who is Gerda?"
Kiu scias?, "Who knows?"
Kiu knabo laboras?,
"Which boy is working?"
Al kiu knabino li iras?,
"Which girl does he go to?"
En kiu universitato ŝi laboras?,
"In which university does she work?"
la viro, kiu rigardas,
"the man who is looking"
la universitato, en kiu mi laboras,
"the univerity in which I work"
la knabo, al kiu vi rigardas,
"the boy (which) you are looking at"
agas act(s)
agi to act
alia other, another
bona good
bone well
certa certain
certe certainly
ĉu interrogative particle
diable ! gosh!
diablo devil
direkto direction
diskreta discreet
dum during; while
ej ! hey! oh!
forta strong
haltas stop(s)
halti to stop
iĝas become(s)
iĝi to become
ili they
inter between, among
io something
iom a bit, somewhat, rather
iom post iom little by little
iomete a little
ke that (as in: I know that...,
he says that...)
kvazaŭ as though, as if
lia his
mano hand
mistera mysterious
mistere mysteriously
mistero mystery
montras show(s)
montri to show
natura natural
nature naturally
naturo nature
ne plu not any more, no more
ni we
pala pale
parolas speak(s), talk(s)
paroli to speak, to talk
petas ask(s) for
peti to ask for
plu further, more
pordo door
post after
prava right (in opinion,
conduct, etc.)
prave right (adverb)
pravas am, is or are right
pravi to be right
proksima near
rapida quick
revenas come(s) back
reveni to come back
se if
staras stand(s)
stari to stand
stranga strange
strange strangely
ŝi she
ŝia her, hers
taso cup
tre very
turnas turns
turni to turn
ulo fellow, guy, individual
vidas see(s)
vidi to see
volas want(s)
voli to want
ĉu :
li venas, "he 's coming"
> ĉu li venas?,
"is he coming?
vi scias, "you know"
> ĉu vi scias?,
"do you know?"
-iĝ- become(s)..., get(s)...
proksima, "near"
> ili proksimiĝas,
"they're drawing nearer
stara, "standing"
> li stariĝas, "he stands up"
viro, "man", "male"
> la knabo viriĝas.
"the boy is becoming a man"
rapida, "quick"
> rapidiĝo, "acceleration"
re- repetition, return
ŝi vidas, "she sees"
> ŝi revidas,
"she sees again"
ni venas, "we're coming"
> ni revenas,
"we're coming back"
li fortiĝas, "he becomes strong"
> li refortiĝas,
"he recovers his strength"
bela, "beautiful"
> ŝi rebeliĝas,
"she's becoming beautiful
"she's recovering her beauty"
> rebeliĝo,
"the fact of recovering
one's beauty"
-ulo a person
juna, "young" > junulo,
"a youth"
forta, "strong"
> fortulo, "a hefty guy"
-n direct object of a verb
li vidas vin, li vin vidas, vin li vidas,
vidas li vin, vidas vin li,
"he sees you"
vi vidas lin, vi lin vidas, lin vi vidas,
vidas vi lin, vidas lin vi, "you see him"
Mi ne povas vidi, ĉu estas io
inter mi kaj vi. "I can't see whether
there is something between you and me."
Mi ne povas vidi, se estas io inter mi
kaj vi. "If there is something between
me and you, then I can't see."
ami to love
amo love (noun)
ankaŭ also
aspekti to look like
aspekto look, appearance; aspect
bonan tagon good afternoon,
good morning, good day
ĉe at, by, next to
de of, from
deklari to state
deklaro statement, declaration
esprimi to express
esprimo expression
grava important
gravi to matter
ĝi it
jam already
kiel as, like; how
kompreneble of course
(litt. understandably)
kompreni to understand
ne gravas it doesn't matter,
never mind
pardoni to forgive
permesi to allow
pli more
povas can, may
povi to be able to
preferi to prefer
pri about, concerning
saluti to greet
simpla simple
spiono spy
sur on
tablo table
tago day
tamen however, all the same, nevertheless
tio that
tuj immediately
vizaĝo face
tio ne gravas that doesn't matter
ne tio gravas that is not the thing
that matters
li aspektas kiel studento
he looks like a student
ŝi aspektas june
(also in use, although purists
ŝi aspektas juna)
she looks young
-j plural
viro, "man" > viroj, "men
virino, "woman" > virinoj, "women"
juna viro, "young man"
> junaj viroj, "young men"
bela tago "beautiful day"
> belaj tagoj, "beautiful days"
-i infinitive
kompreni estas pardoni,
"to understand is to forgive"
mi salutas lin, "I greet him";
mi volas saluti lin,
"I want to greet him"
li komprenas, "he understands";
li povas kompreni,
"he can understand";
la povo kompreni,
"the ability to understand"
-is verb, past tense
mi estis, "I was"
li venis, "he came"
ŝi amis vin, "she loved you",
"she used to love you"
-ebl- possibility
kompreni, "to understand"
> komprenebla, "understandable"
vidi, "to see" > videbla "visible"
> nevidebla "invisible"
ami, "to love" > amebla
"who can be loved", "lovable"
mal- used to form opposites
ami, "to love",
ne ami, "to be unloving",
malami, "to hate"
forta, "strong",
ne forta OR neforta, "not strong",
malforta, "weak"
amdeklaro = deklaro de amo
= deklaro pri amo
afero thing, matter; business
aĵo thing, object
(synonymous with "afero",
but rather more concrete)
antaŭ in front of; before (prep.)
antaŭe before, beforehand (adv.)
arto art
deziri to wish
do so, then, thus
ekzisti to exist
fako specialization, branch,
department; pigeon-hole,
ideo idea
instrui to teach
kiam when
komuniki to communicate
koni to be acquainted with, to know
konsideri to consider
konsenti to agree
kripta cryptic
kriptografio cryptography
lerni to learn
lingvo language
lingvistiko linguistics
malpli less
mesaĝo message
neniam never
nomo name
oni one, people, they, we, you
por for; in order to
profesoro professor
respondi to answer
rilati to relate
rilato relationship
scienco science
sekreta secret (adj.)
sekreto (a) secret
temas pri it's about...
(such or such a topic)
temi pri to be about ...
temo subject, topic
voli diri to mean
ne tute not quite
tute ne not at all
-aĵo concrete manifestation,
external manifestation,
something having the quality of...,
something that...
nova, "new"
> novaĵo, "news", "novelty"
okazi, "to happen"
> okazaĵo, "event"
arto, "art"
> artaĵo, "objet d'art"
kriptaĵo = kripta afero, io kripta
kriptaĵoscienco =
scienco pri kriptaĵoj
absurda absurd
ankoraŭ still
ankoraŭ ne not yet
atenti pay attention
atento attention
cetere besides
ĉi (denotes nearness)
ĉi tie here
ĉi tio this (thing)
ĉi tiu this; this one
da of (after expression of quantity)
dramo drama
drogo drug
evidenta obvious
eta small
for away
havi to have
imagi to imagine
imago imagination
iu some; somebody
kaŝe stealthily
kaŝi to hide, to conceal
normala normal
ofta frequent
ofte often
paro couple, pair
peco piece, bit
plena full
plene fully, completely
poŝo pocket
promeni to go for a walk
pulvoro powder
sekundo second (of time)
subita sudden
subite suddenly
substanco substance
sukcesi to succeed
sukero sugar
super over; above
ŝajni to seem
tiam then
tie there
tie ĉi here
tiel so, that way, thus
tio ĉi this
tiu ĉi this (before a noun)
tio ĉi = ĉi tio
tiu ĉi = ĉi tiu
tie ĉi = ĉi tie
tiu ĉi viro estas juna,
"this man is young"
tio ĉi estas nekomprenebla,
"this is incomprehensible"
-us verb, conditional
se mi konus lin, mi irus,
"if I knew him, I'd go"
mi dezirus demandi vin,
"I'd like to ask you"
-n direct object of a verb
mi konas tiun junan viron,
"I know that young man"
tiun junan viron mi konas,
"I know that young man"
tiun junan viron konas mi,
"I know that young man"
tiu juna viro konas min,
"that young man knows me"
tiu juna viro min konas,
"that young man knows me"
min konas tiu juna viro,
"that young man knows me"
kiu vidis lin?, "who saw him?"
kiun vidis li?, "whom did he see?"
la viro, kiun rigardis la knabino,
"the man the girl was looking at"
la viro, kiu rigardis la knabinon,
"the man who was looking
at the girl"
ek- commencement, suddenness
iri, "to go" > ekiri, "to set off"
sidi, "to sit"
> eksidi, "to sit down"
-et- diminutive
virino, "woman"
> virineto, "little woman"
bela, "beautiful"
> beleta, "pretty"
mi komprenas, "I understand"
> mi komprenetas,
"I understand more or less",
"I think I understand"
for- away
iri, "to go" > foriri, "to go away"
esti, "to be"
> foresti, "to be absent"
> foresto, "absence"
-ujo container
sukero, "sugar"
> sukerujo, "sugar bowl,
sugar basin"
ambaŭ both
aŭdi to hear
bruo noise
decidi to decide
decido decision
devas must
devi to have to, to be obliged to
devo duty
diskuti to discuss
diskuto discussion
fali to fall
falo (the, a) fall (not season)
kafo coffee
koridoro hallway, hall, corridor
meti to put
observi to observe
pensi to think
perdi to lose
resti to stay, to remain
riski to risk
sama same
tempo time
timi to fear, to be afraid
trankvila calm, tranquil
ĉu li iras? "is he going?"
ĉu li iru? "should he go?"
ĉu li irus? "would he go?"
kion mi diras? "what am I saying?"
kion mi diru? "what should I say?"
la taso falis sur la tablo,
"the cup, which was already on the table,
fell (staying on the table)"
la taso falis sur la tablon,
"the cup fell onto the table"
li promenis en la ĝardeno,
"he was walking in the garden"
li promenis en la ĝardenon,
"he walked into the garden"
almenaŭ at least
apenaŭ hardly, scarcely
aŭtoritato authority
bati to beat
doktoro doctor
dormi to sleep
fari to do, to make
flegi to nurse (in sickness)
flegisto male nurse
flegistino nurse
ĝis till, until
ĝusta correct, right, exact
informi to inform
informo information
kapo head
komforta comfortable
konscia conscious
konscii to be conscious, to be aware
konscio consciousness
koro heart
kuraci to attend (a patient)
kuracisto physician
kuŝi to lie, to recline
memori to remember
ol than
opinii to think, to opine
opinio opinion
piedo foot
pozicio position
semajno week
sendi to send
unu one
unua first
unue at first, to begin with
vivi to live
voki to call
-os verb, future tense
mi estos, "I'll be"
ĉu vi venos? "will you come?"
ili komprenos, "they'll understand"
-isto habitual occupation, profession
instrui, "to teach"
> instruisto, "teacher"
labori, "to work"
> laboristo, "worker"
Note: In the plural,
the n form is added to the j:
mi konas belajn knabinojn,
"I know beautiful girls"
grandajn manojn li havas,
"he has big hands"
la viroj, kiujn ŝi amas,
"the men she loves"
la viroj, kiuj ŝin amas,
"the men who love her".
The n form is used not only to show the
direct object of a verb or the direction
of a movement, but also in expressions
of time, duration, measure and value,
when there is no preposition:
mi restis la tutan semajnon,
"I stayed the whole week"
(in such cases, the n form replaces a
preposition which is understood; thus,
if you use the preposition, you should
not use the n form; you can express the
same idea saying:
mi restis dum la tuta semajno,
"I stayed during the whole week".)
li venis la postan tagon,
"he came the following day"
ĝi estas unu metron alta,
"it is one meter high"
atendi to wait
aŭ or
aŭto car
aŭtomato automaton
baldaŭ soon
buso bus
ĉambro room
ĉar because
ĉiaokaze in any case
destino destiny
eĉ even
ekster outside (preposition)
ekstere outside (adverb, situation)
eksteren outside (adverb, direction)
el out of, from
helpi to help
korpo body
kruro leg
longa long
mem self
memserva restoracio cafeteria
nokto night
paŝi to step, to walk
paŝo step
per by means of, with
ruĝa red
sekvi to follow
senti to feel
servi to serve
si himself, herself, oneself,
suspekti to suspect
tien there, to(wards) that place
tomato tomato
tra through
urbo town, city
vespero evening
-ejo place (often collective)
dormi, "to sleep"
> dormejo, "dormitory"
("bedroom" is dormoĉambro)
lerni, "to learn"
> lernejo, "school"
li aŭtas en la urbo, "he drives in town"
li aŭtas en la urbon,
"he drives into the town"
li aŭtas tie, "he drives there, in there"
li aŭtas tien, "he drives there, thither"
ŝi mem diris ĝin, "she said it herself"
ŝi diris ĝin al si,
"she said it to herself"
ili komprenos tion mem,
"they'll understand that by themselves"
ili komprenos sin,
"they'll understand themselves"
ili komprenos unu la alian,
"they'll understand one another"
ili komprenos ilin,
"they'll understand them"
li amis ŝin, "he loved her"
li amis lin, "he loved him"
li amis sin, "he loved himself"
li amis ŝian flegistinon,
"he loved her nurse"
li amis lian flegistinon,
"he loved his (i.e. his friend's) nurse"
li amis sian flegistinon,
"he loved his (own) nurse"
"I'll go there by car":
mi tien iros aŭte
(I'll go there 'car-wise')
mi tien iros per aŭto
(I'll go there by means of a car)
mi tien iros en aŭto
(I'll go there in a car)
mi tien aŭtos (I'll 'car' there)
administra administrative
administri to administer
ajn ...-ever, no matter wh...
iu ajn anybody; any
io ajn anything
amiko friend
bani to bathe (somebody)
bani sin to have a bath, to bathe
blua blue
dika thick
epoko epoch, age
generacio generation
grasa fat
haro hair
homo human being
kelkaj some, a few
kial why
kie where
kie ajn wherever
kiu ajn whoever
kiun ajn whomsoever
klaso class
kompati to pity
kompatinda poor, to be pitied
kredi to believe
lasi to leave, to let
loko place
meze de in the middle of
mezo middle
minuto minute (time)
muro wall
neniu nobody; no ..., not any
ofico function, post
oficejo office
okulo eye
okupi to occupy
okupiĝi pri to attend to something,
to busy oneself with
okupi sin pri = okupiĝi pri
provi to try
ronda round
rondo round, ring, circle
sana healthy
sen without
sveni to faint
tradicio tradition
trovi to find
tuŝi to touch
urĝa urgent
vorto word
vortaro dictionary
zorgi to care for, to be concerned
over, to be anxious about
zorgo worry; care
kien ajn vi iros, mi sekvos vin,
"wherever you go, I'll follow you"
mi faros kion ajn vi diros,
"I'll do whatever you say"
li diras ion ajn, "he says anything"
iru ien ajn, "go anywhere",
"go wherever you please"
-ita past passive participle
fari, "to do", "to make"
> farita, "done", "made"
vidi, "to see" > vidita, "seen"
perdita peco, "a lost piece"
ni estas informitaj,
"we are informed"
-ad- action, particularly prolonged
or repeated
paroli, "to speak"
> paroladi, "to make a speech",
"to speak at length"
la penso, "the thought"
> la pensado, "
(the process of) thinking"
memoro, "memory"
> memorado
"the fact of remembering"
la respondo estis longa,
"the answer was long"
la respondado estis longa,
"the answering was long",
"it took a long time for all
the answers to be expressed"
li rigardis, "he looked",
li ekrigardis, "he glanced",
li rigardadis,
"he looked at length",
"he looked on and on"
-ar- collective, group
vorto, "word"
> vortaro, "dictionary",
homo, "human being"
> homaro, "mankind"
la studentaro,
"the student body
(of a university)"
la kuracistaro,
"the medical profession",
"all the doctors (in the area)"
-inda worthiness
ami, "to love"
> aminda, "loveable"
vidi, "to see"
> vidinda, "worth seeing"
havi, "to have"
> havinda, "worth having"
inda / ebla:
havinda, "worth having",
havebla, "available"
aminda, "who deserves to be loved"
amebla, "who can be loved"
sen without
senkora, "heartless"; senforta,
"strengthless"; senhelpa,
"helpless"; senkompate,
aventuro adventure
danĝero danger
danki to thank
ege extremely
ema inclined
emi to be inclined to
facila easy
fidi to trust, to rely on
fuŝi to botch, to mess up, to bungle
reciproke mutually
silenti to be silent
silento silence
sinjoro mister
ŝati to like
unua first
-eg- augmentative
bona, "good" > bonega, "excellent"
bela, "beautiful"
> belega, "splendid"
urbo, "town"
> urbego, "a large city"
labori, "to work"
> laboregi, "to work hard",
"to exert oneself"
-em- tendency
paroli, "to speak"
> parolema, "talkative"
agi, "to act"
> agema, "active", "enterprising"
timi, "to be afraid"
> timema, "fearful", "timid"
mis- wrongly
kompreni, "to understand"
> miskompreni, "to misunderstand"
paŝo, "a step"
> mispaŝo, "a blunder"
afabla kind, affable
akcepti to accept
aldoni to add
aranĝi to arrange
banala trite, commonplace
bonvoli to be so good as
ĉiam always
dankon thank you
ne dankinde you're welcome
entute at all
fermi to close, to shut
fini to finish
funkcii to function, to work
ĝeni to inconvenience, to hamper
igi to render, to cause
(somebody to do something,
something to develop in a certain
way), to make (such and such)
kontenta glad, satisfied
kiel eble plej as... as possible
konsentite OK, all right, agreed
malfermi to open
maniero manner
manki to be lacking
mekaniko mechanics
miksi to mix
miri to be amazed
motoro motor
objekto object, thing
oportuna convenient, handy
ordo order
panei to break down, to stop functioning
paneo mechanical failure
ripari to repair, to mend
ripeti to repeat
saĝa wise
seka dry
tia such
troviĝi to be found, to be (at ...)
turni sin al to address, to speak to,
to apply, to ask, to contact
veturi to go (by some sort of vehicle)
-ante present active participle,
adverbial form
laborante, li silentis,
"when working, he kept silent"
ni diskutis promenante,
"we talked while taking a walk"
vi lernos la lingvon parolante ĝin,
"you'll learn the language
by speaking it"
-ig- causative
granda, "big" > grandigi,
"to enlarge"
(pli) forta, "strong(er)"
> (pli)fortigi, "to strengthen"
facila, "easy"
> faciligi, "to facilitate"
scii, "to know" > sciigi,
"to inform" or "to make known"
stari, "to stand"
> starigi, "to set up"
kontenta, "glad"
> kontentiga, "satisfactory"
maltrankvila, "troubled",
"restless", "anxious"
> maltrankviliga, "disquieting"
-ilo implement
labori, "to work" > laborilo, "tool"
dormi, "to sleep" > dormigi,
"to make somebody sleep"
> dormigilo, "sleeping pill"
veturi, "to go (not on foot)",
"to travel" > veturilo, "vehicle"
aĉeti to buy
akvo water
apud beside, near
brando brandy
ĉio everything
denove again
doloro pain
doni to give
duone half
eksplodi to explode
fraŭlino Miss
glaso glass
ĝemi to groan, to moan
heziti to hesitate
ja indeed; sure enough
kiom how much, how many
klara clear, plain
kvankam although
larĝa broad
laŭ according to; along
morti to die
plezuro pleasure
polico police
porti to carry
pripensi to reflect, to ponder,
to think over
ricevi to receive
seĝo chair
soifi to be thirsty (so - i - fi)
soifo thirst
sufiĉa sufficient
tiom so much, so many
trinki to drink (anything,
not getting drunk)
drinki to drink (to get drunk)
al- approach, drawing near,
bringing closer
veni, "to come"
> alveni, "to arrive"
iri, "to go",
> aliri, "to approach"
porti, "to carry"
> alporti, "to bring"
paroli, "to speak"
> alparoli, "to address"
kapjesi = kap + jes + i = "to nod"
("head" + "yes" + verb. ending)
scivola = sci + vol + a = "curious"
("know" + "want" + adj. ending =
"who wants to know")
klarigi = klar + ig + i = "to explain"
("clear" + "render" + verb. ending
= "to make clear")
survizaĝe = sur + vizaĝ + e
= "on (his, her) face" ("on" + "face" +
adv. ending = sur (la, lia, ŝia) vizaĝo)
a > e:
facila laboro, "an easy job",
facile labori, "to work easily"
la laboro estas facila,
"the work is easy"
labori estas facile,
"working is easy"
estas facile labori,
"it is easy to work"
estas bone lerni la lingvon,
"it is good to learn the
ripari la aŭton estas dezirinde,
"it is desirable to mend
the car";
riparado de la aŭto estas dezirinda,
"repairing of the car is
tiu demando estas nediskreta,
"that question is indiscreet";
tion demandi estas nediskrete,
"it is indiscreet to inquire
on that point"
estis klare, ke la laboron faros li,
"it was clear that he was the one
who would do the job";
estis klara decido, ke la laboron faros li,
"it was a clear decision that
he would do the job"
estus bone, se vi povus veni,
"it would be good if you could come";
estus bona afero, se vi povus veni,
"it would be a good thing
if you could come"
"ja" often refers to the cause of the
thing dealt with in the preceding
statement, but it is also used simply
to emphasize a point:
mi ne povas ĝin porti, ĝi ja estas tro
"I cannot carry it, it is too heavy"
li certe venos, li ja tre deziras vidi vin,
"he will certainly come,
for he wants badly to see you"
vi ja scias ..., "you sure know ...",
"no doubt, you know ..."
ĉu li ne venos? - jes ja!,
"won't he come?"
- "oh yes, he will, definitely"
absorbi to engross
bedaŭri to regret
centro center
daŭri to last
daŭrigi to continue (something)
ekzemplo example
feliĉa happy
feliĉe fortunately; happily
forgesi to forget
ĝentila polite, courteous
ĝoja glad, merry, cheerful
ĝojo joy
hotelo hotel
ie some place, somewhere
interesa interesting
interesi to interest
internacia international
komenci to begin
konato acquaintance
koncerni to concern
koncerne ...n concerning
krome moreover
kutimi to be accustomed to
kutimo habit, custom
momento moment
nacia national
nacio nation
nekonato an unknown person
perfekta perfect
persono person
peza heavy
preciza precise
proponi to suggest, to propose; to offer
rajti to be entitled to
rajto (the) right (to do something)
rakonti to tell (a story), to narrate
ridi to laugh
rideti to smile
rimarki to notice
simila similar
stulta stupid, silly, dull
ŝofori to drive
ŝoforo driver, chauffeur
teatro theater
vojo way, road
koncerne vian proponon,
"concerning your suggestion"
kiom koncernas min,
"as far as I am concerned"
aero air
brako arm
domo house
du two
esperi to hope
fantomo ghost
fenestro window
fenestrokovrilo shutter
horo hour
humuro humour
iam sometime, once
infano child
kampo field
kanti to sing
kovri to cover
krii to shout, to call out
kuri to run
kuraĝa brave
kuraĝo courage
laca tired
laŭta loud
libera free
lito bed
ludi to play
lumo (the, a) light
malantaŭ behind
marŝi to march; to walk
monto mountain
movi to move (something)
muskolo muscle
nek... nek... neither... nor...
nenie nowhere
patro father
patrino mother
plendi to complain
plori to weep
pura clean; pure
roko rock
sinsekve consecutively
situacio situation
soni to sound
suno sun
ŝlosi to lock
ŝlosilo key
ŝtono stone
varma warm
veki to wake (somebody) up
voĉo voice
-ata present passive participle
konata, "(who is) known"
rigardata, "that is being looked at"
-inta past active participle
aminta, "having loved"
laborinta, "having worked"
-eco abstract name of quality
libera, "free" > libereco, "freedom"
viro, "man (male)"
> vireco, "virility"
unu, "one" > unueco, "unity"
-ig- to become, to convert oneself
mi vekas lin, "I wake him up",
li vekiĝas, "he wakes up";
mi movas ĝin, "I move it",
ĝi moviĝas, "it moves";
li komencas la rakonton,
"he begins the story",
la rakonto komenciĝas,
"the story begins"
ellitiĝi = iĝi el lito = to get up
(litt. to get out of bed)
ata > ita (compare as > is)
farata laboro, "a job which is
(in the process of) being done";
farita laboro, "a job which has been done,
which is finished"
[comp.: mi faras la laboron,
"I'm doing the job",
mi faris la laboron, "I've done the job".]
vekata amiko,
"a friend I am trying to wake up",
"a friend who is being waked up";
vekita amiko,
"a friend who has been woken up,
who is awake"
-ilo a tool, a device, an implement
fenestrokovrilo, "shutter" > "a device",
"a thing" (ilo) "that covers" (kovr-)
"a window" (fenestro)
-ega (augmentative), -iga (causative):
lacega, "exhausted", "awfully tired"
laciga, "tiring"
("causing to be tired")
kuraĝega, "extremely brave",
"bold", "intrepid"
kuraĝiga, "encouraging"
cent hundred
ĉefa principal, chief
ĉokolado chocolate
dek ten
dek kvar fourteen
dekstra right (hand)
maldekstra left (hand)
dolĉa sweet
flanko side
frue early
hieraŭ yesterday
kvar four
kvardek forty
kvardek kvar 44
magazeno store, shop
mateno morning
meblo piece of furniture
nazo nose
pano bread
papero paper
plani to plan
plano plan
plenplena completely full
poŝto post, mail
raporti to report
sako bag
speco kind, sort
sporto sport
strato street
ŝanco chance
tasko task
teo tea
vendi to sell
bonŝanca lucky, fortunate
devojiĝi (< de + voj + iĝi),
"to stray from", "to deviate"
aĉa wretched, no good, loathsome
atmosfero atmosphere
bonkora good-hearted
bruna brown
biero beer
finfine eventually
(litt. at the end of the end)
flugi to fly
fojo time, occasion (tri fojojn,
three times; unufoje, once)
furioza furious
gratuli to congratulate
grupo group
hundo dog
je indefinite preposition
ĵus just, a moment ago
kato cat
kelnero waiter
kia what a ...; what kind of
koko rooster
koloro color
krom apart from; except for
kuko cake
kune together
kvin five
manĝi to eat
menuo menu
mil thousand
milito war
militservo military service
muziko music
naŭ nine
noti to note
numero number (of house, of ticket,
in a series, etc.)
ok eight
plafono ceiling
plato slab, plate
pseŭdo- pseudo-
reala real, actual
rompi to break
salato salad
soldato soldier
supo soup
telero plate
tri three
turka Turkish
vesti to dress, to clothe
-aĉ- disparagement
domo, "house" > domaĉo, "hovel"
hundo, "dog" > hundaĉo, "cur"
ridi, "to laugh"
> ridaĉi, "to sneer"
-ido descendant from, born from
young of animal
Izrael, "Israel"
> izraelido, "Israeli"
koko, "rooster" > kokido, "chicken"
>kokidaĵo, "chicken meat"
(kokino, "hen")
porko, "pig" > porkido, "piglet"
> porkaĵo, "pork"
(porkino, "sow",
virporko, "boar")
bovo, "ox" > bovido, "calf"
> bovidaĵo, "veal"
(bovaĵo, "beef";
bovino, "cow"; virbovo, "bull")
ĉevalo, "horse" > ĉevalido, "colt"
(ĉevalino, "mare";
virĉevalo, "stallion")
mil naŭcent naŭdek du, "1992"
dek du mil, "12,000"
kvincent kvindek kvin, "555"
kiu (identity) / kia (quality):
Kiu li estas? - Jozefo.
"Who is he?" - "Joseph."
Kia li estas? - Bonkora.
"What kind of a man is he?"
- "Kind"
Kio li estas? - Raportisto.
"What is he?" - "A reporter."
Kiun libron vi legas?
- Gerda malaperis.
"Which book are you reading?"
- "Gerda malaperis."
Kian libron vi legas? - Lernolibron.
"What kind of book are you reading?"
- "A textbook."
Note that "okazo" has three meanings:
(1) event; (2) case; (3) opportunity
aperi to appear
deksepa 17th
dua second, 2nd
edzo husband
edzino wife
frato brother
fratino sister
gardi to guard
sin gardi to take care, to look out for,
to watch out, to mind,
to be careful to avoid
(some danger or unpleasantness)
singarda careful
historio history
honesta honest
ia some kind of
jaro year
jarcento century
kapti to catch
konduki to lead
kontroli to check, to verify
krimo crime
kvara fourth
lasta last
marko mark; brand
mono money
motivo motive
plaĉi to please, to be pleasing
preskaŭ almost
pro because of
problemo problem
riĉa rich
rolo role
sep seven
serĉi to look for
solvi to solve
suko juice
ŝtele stealthily
ŝteli to steal
tipo type, model
tria third
uzi to use
-ano member of a group; inhabitant
urbo, "town" > urbano, "townsman"
Novjorko, "New York"
> novjorkano, "New Yorker"
polico, "police"
> policano, "member of the police
force" (policisto, "policeman")
lando, "country"
> samlandano, "fellow-citizen"
("person from the same country")
ge- both sexes together
frato, "brother"
> gefratoj, "siblings",
"brothers and sisters"
patro, "father"
> gepatroj, "parents"
sinjoro X (Ikso), "Mr X"
> gesinjoroj X, "Mr and Mrs X"
"To get married":
Jozefo edziĝis, "Joseph got married"
(litt. "became husband")
Marta edziniĝis,
"Martha got married"
(litt. "became wife")
Jozefo kaj Marta geedziĝis,
"Joseph and Martha got married"
(litt. "became spouses")
antaŭ longe long ago
aparato apparatus
baki to bake, to cook in an oven
bezoni to need
brakhorloĝo (a) watch
dokumento document
elporti to bear, to endure
filo son
filino daughter
frukto fruit
hejmo (the, a) home
hejme at home
hejmen (I'm going) home
horloĝo clock
ĵeti to throw
kasedo cassette
legi to read
letero letter
malsata hungry
malsati to be hungry
obei to obey
obstina stubborn
oranĝo orange
pasi to pass
pasigi to spend (time)
plumo pen; feather
pomo apple
preni to take
principo principle
promesi to promise
radio radio
sata satiated
serpento snake
skribi to write
suferi to suffer
ŝanĝi to change (something)
ŝanĝiĝi to change (to become different)
ŝiri to tear, to rip
terura terrible, awful
tial therefore
senigi iun je io, "to deprive somebody of
something" (senigi = igi sen)
"ago" = antaŭ :
li laboris ĉi tie antaŭ du jaroj,
"he used to work here two years ago"
ŝi alvenis antaŭ unu horo,
"she arrived an hour ago"
antaŭ kelkaj minutoj, "a few minutes ago"
"in" refering to some point in the future
= post:
li revenos post du tagoj,
"he'll come back in two days' time"
mi estos kun vi post du minutoj,
"I'll be with you in two minutes"
All the words (or word roots) in chapter
19 have already be seen. You should be
able to understand it without much effort.
amatoro amateur
aŭskulti to listen
bonvena welcome
celo goal, purpose, aim
ĉiu every, each; everybody
digna dignified; deserving
diversa varied
dubi to doubt
emo inclination
esplori to investigate
esploro research
kisi to kiss
kondiĉo condition
malkovri to discover, to find out;
to uncover
necesa necessary
nigra black
onklo uncle
onklino aunt
prezenti to introduce; to present
salti to jump
savi to save
seruro (a) lock
ses six
streĉi to stretch
sub under
teni to hold
sin teni to have a ... attitude,
to behave (in such and such a way)
sinteno attitude, behavior
traduki to translate
trans across, on or to the other side of
verda green
viziti to visit
-anto person who ...s (present tense)
legi, "to read" > leganto, "reader"
aŭskulti, "to listen" > aŭskultanto,
-into person who ...d, who has ....
(past tense)
kapti, "to catch"
> kaptinto, "kidnapper",
"somebody who has made some one
savi, "to save" > savinto, "saver",
(after the saving operation)
adiaŭ farewell
alpreni to take on
aresti to arrest
aviadi to fly (in a plane)
aviadilo plane, aircraft
bando gang
bileto ticket
botelo bottle
Budho Buddha
detalo detail
difini to define, to determine
elito elite
enamiĝi to fall in love (en + am + iĝi)
filozofio philosophy
firma firm, steady
flughaveno airport
foto photograph
harmonio harmony
haveno harbor
indiki to indicate
insulo island
islamo Islam
jen... jen... sometimes... sometimes...
judo Jew
katoliko Catholic
kaverno cave
kolbaso sausage
konstante continually
kopio copy
lakto milk
lando country
libro (a) book
lui to rent, to hire
membro member
morala moral
naski to give birth to
naskiĝi to be born
ortodoksa orthodox (adj.)
persekuti to persecute
popolo (a) people
protestanto Protestant
regiono region
religio religion
signalo signal
sindonema devoted (= ema doni sin)
societo (a) society, association
ŝtato state (politically organized country
or people)
tendo tent
trezoro treasure
valori to be worth
valoro value
danci to dance
familio family
gardostari to stand guard
hodiaŭ today
kosti to cost
maro sea
morgaŭ tomorrow
multekosta expensive
pagi to pay
parto part
prepari to prepare
rimedo means
supre upstairs, on top, above
supren up, upwards
malsupre down below, downstairs
malsupren down
ŝipo ship
temperaturo temperature
tero earth; ground
vetero weather
vojaĝi to travel
-eca related to, similar to, having the
characteristics of ...
infano, "child"
> infaneca, "childish"
sola, "alone"
> soleca, "lonely", "lonesome"
ruĝa, "red" > ruĝeca, "reddish"
angla English
desegni to draw, to design
desegno (a) drawing
ilo tool, implement
kavo cavity, hollow
kies whose
kofro trunk, coffer
kontraŭ against
korko cork
literaturo literature
protekti to protect
signo sign
telefono telephone
tiri to pull, to draw
apliki to apply
(something on or to something)
biblioteko library
ĉesi to cease, to quit
defendi to defend
fundo bottom
ĝenerala general
ĝisfunde thoroughly
(litt.: up to the bottom)
hazarde by chance
hazardo chance
hospitalo hospital
influo influence
injekti to inject
institucio institution
justa just, fair
kirurgio surgery (science, practice)
koncerna concerned
konsisti to consist
konstati to realize; to note;
to ascertain; to observe (that...)
materio matter (material, substance)
metodo method
monato month
muzeo museum
narkoanalizo narco-analysis
operacio operation
paĝo page
praktiko practice
privata private
proksimume approximately
renkonti to meet (somebody)
renkontiĝi to meet, to get together
respekti to respect
sankta holy
solena solemn
spirito spirit
studi to study
Vatikano Vatican
Dio God
estimi to esteem
farti to fare
insisti to insist
inviti to invite
kadro framework, frame
kolego colleague
komenti to comment
kurso course
organizi to organize
paperujo wallet, pocket-book
pluraj several
rifuzi to refuse
stato state, condition, state of affairs
teksto text
Multan dankon al Claude Piron, kiu
kreis anglan kaj francan vortlistojn
por akompani sian romanon
"Gerda malaperis!" kaj rezignis pri
sia kopirajto en tiuj vortlistoj.
Pri eraroj en ĉi tiu dosiero kulpas
ne li, sed la redaktintoj, kiuj same
rezignis pri kopirajto.